From milking cows to Good News Week:How Wil Anderson got his start

Welcome to Quick Q – Monday Media’s weekly series dedicated to finding out more about the personalities that matter most in the media landscape.

Each week,The Sydney Morning Heraldand The Age ask figures across corporate media,business,sport,federal politics,radio,television and culture to answer questions about their lives,careers,hobbies and news habits.

This week’s conversation is with comedian,podcaster and television presenter,Wil Anderson.

Wil Anderson is currently touring his new show Wiluminate around the country.

Wil Anderson is currently touring his new show Wiluminate around the country.Edwina Pickles

How did you get your big break?
Good News Week.

What are your daily news media habits?
I read a variety of online newspapers most mornings. Tend to avoid TV news.

Which living person do you most admire?
Billy Connolly.

Your guilty streaming pleasure?
Gogglebox UK.

Which phrase do you overuse?
I use the word “like” like a teenage girl.

What did you want to do when you grew up?
Professional footballer.

What was your first job?
Milking cows.

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Recommend a podcast...
Never Not Funny.

What’s one vice you wish you could give up?
It was biting my fingernails but I gave it up as a NY resolution this year.

The song that’s always on high rotation?
All My Friends,LCD Sound System.

What are you reading?
The Circle,Dave Eggers.

Favourite movie of the past decade?
Fury Road.

Top of your sporting bucket list?
Ashes at Lords.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
It’s everyone’s day at work. How they talk about their day can depend on how you interact with them.

What are the three things you couldn’t live without?
Air,water,sleep. Does everyone say that?

Wil Anderson is touring his new show Wiluminate nationally.Go to for details.

Stephen Brook is a special correspondent for The Age. He was previously deputy editor of The Sunday Age and a CBD columnist for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald. He is a former media diarist and features editor of The Australian. He spent six years in London working for The Guardian.

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