Meet the Herald's new trainee journalists

Eight trainee journalists will begin their careers at The Sydney Morning Herald on Monday.

TheHerald's editor,Lisa Davies,says the appointment of the trainees is an investment in the masthead's future.

"High-quality,independent journalism has never been more important than it is today,and theHerald is committed to delivering just that for our readers now,and well into the future,"she said.

The Herald's 2018 trainees,from left:Sarah Keoghan,Ben Weir,Max Koslowski,Josh Dye,Natassia Chrysanthos,Nick Bonyhady,Laura Chung. Absent:Matt Bungard.

The Herald's 2018 trainees,from left:Sarah Keoghan,Ben Weir,Max Koslowski,Josh Dye,Natassia Chrysanthos,Nick Bonyhady,Laura Chung. Absent:Matt Bungard.Wolter Peeters

"These dedicated news-breaking reporters follow in the footsteps of the likes of Kate McClymont and Peter Hartcher,both of whom began their careers in just the same way and believe they could not get a better start in their careers than they will at theHerald."

Following a competitive process that began with hundreds of candidates,the final eight trainees were selected based on their application letters,two interviews,their general knowledge,their ability to write under pressure,their ability to write a strong story given a longer time frame and their genuine passion for theHerald and for the craft of journalism.

They have spent the past two weeks in intensive training and you'll start seeing their bylines next week.

Nick Bonyhady (University of Sydney)

Nick Bonyhady.

Nick Bonyhady.Wolter Peeters

Bonyhady has studied arts and law and has worked as a researcher for theGazette of Law and Journalism as well asJustinian."This traineeship is a chance to do the critical work of reporting the news,an enormous privilege in a time of such radical change,"he said.

Matt Bungard (Macquarie University/UTS)

Matt Bungard.

Matt Bungard.Louie Douvis

Since completing his masters in journalism,Bungard has worked casually for theHerald in sport and production. He decided he wanted to be aHerald journalist when he was in year 9 at high school."This opportunity means everything to me,"he said."It's rare that you can dream about a job in high school and actually end up doing it,but here we are."

Natassia Chrysanthos (University of Sydney)

Natassia Chrysanthos.

Natassia Chrysanthos.Wolter Peeters

Chrysanthos has worked at Ciao Magazine and in communications. An aspiring data journalist,Chrysanthos sees her traineeship as"an opportunity to learn from Sydney's greatest journalists at a fascinating time of change for media and the city itself".

Laura Chung (UTS)

Laura Chung.

Laura Chung.Wolter Peeters

Chung,who has a deep interest in foreign affairs,worked at Nine and the ABC during her studies and is looking forward to being able to"hone my analytical and writing skills by working with leading journalists".

Josh Dye (Avondale College/UTS)

Josh Dye.

Josh Dye.Wolter Peeters

Dye has worked as a casual breaking news reporter at theHerald while also working for a humanitarian non-government organisation."Good journalism informs,investigates and entertains,"he said."No one does this better than theHerald,so it's exciting to join."

Sarah Keoghan (UTS)

Sarah Keoghan.

Sarah Keoghan.Wolter Peeters

While studying,Keoghan has worked as a breaking news reporter atThe Daily Telegraph and at 2SER FM."In a rapidly changing media sphere,training and mentoring from some of Australia's best journalists is simply invaluable to me,"she said.

Max Koslowski(ANU)

Max Koslowski.

Max Koslowski.Wolter Peeters

Koslowski is studying arts and law and has worked atHuffington Post Australia andJunkee."I can't imagine getting my news without theSMH - and now I'm excited to be a part of that,"he said.

Ben Weir(University of Adelaide)

Ben Weir.

Ben Weir.Wolter Peeters

Weir,an arts and law graduate,has worked for Australian Associated Press in Adelaide."In a world of diminishing journalism opportunities,the chance to learn from some of the best in the business is extraordinary,"he said.

Kathryn Wicks is managing editor at The Sydney Morning Herald.

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