Pandemic pet boom a treat for MadPaws

Justus Hammer is the co-founder of Mad Paws,Australia’s leading pet services marketplace with more than 40,000 pet sitters on the books. Listed on the ASX,Mad Paws also owns the online Pet Chemist store and Waggly,a monthly treats subscription service as well as Sash Beds.

Justus Hammer,Mad Paws CEO.

Justus Hammer,Mad Paws CEO.Nick Moir

What makes Mad Paws tick?

Mad Paws is like a one-stop-shop for all things pets in Australia! We are all about helping pets live their best life and making things easier for pet owners.

We thought there must be a way to use technology to improve the experience for owners who want only the best for their beloved pets when they go on holidays. Having built a huge customer base,we are now offering them more products and services to make their lives as pet owners easier.

How big is Mad Paws,and how fast has it grown?

We have seen some amazing growth over the last couple of years,accelerated by the pandemic and the increase in pet ownership.

Our revenue has grown from $1.5 million in 2019 to more than $10 million in the 2021-2022 financial year,and we are on track to grow our revenue to more than $25 million in 2022-2023.

We have provided more than two million pet care services and employ more than 130 people.

How did the business ride out the pandemic,and what did you learn?

COVID-19 indeed was a significant shock,particularly as the Mad Paws marketplace depend heavily on travel.

However,as we navigated through those unprecedented times,we realised the enormous long-term potential for our business. There is always an opportunity in any crisis!

Pet ownership has grown a remarkable 25 per cent since the pandemic began. Pets have become family members and their well-being is the number one priority for their owners.

Australians’ pet ownership has boomed since lockdowns began in 2020.

Australians’ pet ownership has boomed since lockdowns began in 2020.iStock

What issues has the business dealt with along the way?

We had to work through revenues dropping by 80 per cent when the country was locked down,and then we had to grow the company in one of the tightest labour markets I have ever seen.

Luckily,many people want to work in our industry,and it’s much nicer for our team to work in something they are passionate about.

How are rising interest rates and inflation affecting you and your clients?

We are lucky that the pet industry is a very recession-proof. The last downturn showed that people tend to save on themselves first before they scrimp on their pets.

Given that,we have not seen any signs of a slowdown in demand for our products and services. We notice that customers are booking further in advance to avoid the cost of last-minute airfares and other travel bookings.

What are your secrets to success?

We are obsessed with data and have used it wisely to build our marketplace,and now we are using that knowledge to build our retail businesses.

The marketplace is advantageous because we can acquire data about our customers’ pets that goes beyond breed,age,and name,to behavioural traits and health issues.

What is your advice to anyone seeking to start a small business?

I think it is a great time to start a business now,even though funding is tough. Finding something that customers will pay for in tight economic environment will set you up for success.

Starting a small business is always going to be a huge challenge,but if you believe in that ‘life just starts outside your comfort zone’,there’s nothing more fulfilling.

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