Side hustle a sweet earner for Bendigo entrepreneur

Greta Donaldson,founder and confectioner Bendigo Brittle.

Greta Donaldson,founder and confectioner Bendigo Brittle.Supplied

Name:Greta Donaldson

Main job:Director,Greta Donaldson Publicity

Side hustle:Founder and confectioner Bendigo Brittle(Peanut Brittle,Handmade in Bendigo) GOLD FOR YOUR GOB

The timeframe: I’ve been in public relations for over 20 years,and the peanut brittle business since January 2016.

The reason:

There are a heap of reasons it works for me,including burnout from the public relations industry;financial reasons;and ageism – let’s face it,PR is a young person’s game. A forced relocation saw me move to regional Victoria from Melbourne a few years ago. What’s interesting is I can’t cook to save myself. I burn toast,but I love making my peanut brittle! For me,there is something cathartic that comes with cooking caramel toffee. People love it,and I am succeeding in a space where I have no formal skills,just past life experience in marketing and the sheer will to be good at something other than PR.

The money:

I make good money from my side hustle.I like making money and it is important to me,especially as I am on my own. I enjoy going to farmers and artisan markets,selling my brittle and coming home with money. Plus,I enjoy the wholesale experience and its seven-day terms. When you work 24/7 in the PR industry and don’t get paid for 30,60 or 90 days and the bills pile in it’s frustrating. My cash flow works better week to week,which is why I really enjoy my side hustle.

Transferable skills:

Going from PR to peanuts meant I had plenty of transferable skills. In a nutshell,both are about people and selling! I use my communication skills,problem-solving and strategic planning,organisational skills and interpersonal skills in both roles.

If I was starting from scratch I would:

I would have started with a website,and directed all inquires through the website. As it stands inquiries come through messenger,Facebook,Instagram and via email or phone calls. It’s hard keeping track of all my wholesale orders as each wholesaler contacts me via their own chosen method. If I was starting from scratch,I would have controlled this better and had orders via the website’s stockist portal from the beginning. The website is still not built,which is proof you can run a business and succeed without one,but I have no doubt that when I do get one my side hustle may become my full-time vocation!

Hardest time:

It’s actually now,juggling both my corporate world and my booming confectionery side-hustle and deciding where my future lies. As well as understanding packaging requirements set by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (which includes nutritional panels on food packaging) I have to understand customs clearance paperwork. When I imported my uber cool confectionery cart from Italy it had to clear Australian customs and there were costs involved. Plus there’s the physical reality of cooking peanut brittle several times a week:it’s a different kind of stress to the corporate environment.

Best side hustle moment:

It would be either the meeting with Qantas in Sydney about supplying my brittle to the national airline or being selected by Facebook Australia to be included in its inaugural Christmas Gift Guide in 2018. The guide featured 30 Australian-made products created by small businesses around regional Australia. There’s also the ongoing support I get from the Bendigo community,which includes being stocked in Bendigo Tourism’sVisitors Centre and online I’m also stocked in four local IGA stores.

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