‘It could be any of us’:Top scientists sound alarm over unreliable evidence

‘It could be any of us’:Top scientists sound alarm over unreliable evidence

The Australian Academy of Science chief is calling for law reform after questions were raised over Robert Farquharson’s case.

  • byMichael Bachelard,Nick McKenzie andRuby Schwartz


‘I’ve just killed me kids’:His story never changed. But the science has
Good Weekend

‘I’ve just killed me kids’:His story never changed. But the science has

He was jailed for an unthinkable crime. Now there are questions about Robert Farquharson’s guilt.

  • byMichael Bachelard,Nick McKenzie,Ruby Schwartz andThe Visual Stories Team
Screenshot found on Peter Bol’s phone contained doping information

Screenshot found on Peter Bol’s phone contained doping information

The Australian runner’s lawyer labelled the discovery meaningless and its airing by WADA an appalling attempt to shirk responsibility for falsely accusing his client of doping.

  • byMichael Gleeson andNick McKenzie
‘The Punisher’ targeted in second hit attempt after trying to muscle in on illicit tobacco trade

‘The Punisher’ targeted in second hit attempt after trying to muscle in on illicit tobacco trade

The former bikie and professional boxer has played a key role in the revival of the Brothers 4 Life gang to try to gain a slice of the lucrative market.

  • byChris Vedelago,Marta Pascual Juanola,Nick McKenzie andAlex Crowe
‘Much-loved son’:Rich list family stands by suspected drug kingpin

‘Much-loved son’:Rich list family stands by suspected drug kingpin

The father is the epitome of the migrant success story;the son is one of the nation’s most wanted suspected criminals.

  • byNick McKenzie andKate McClymont
Australian drug smuggling suspects right at home as Dubai makes world’s worst welcome

Australian drug smuggling suspects right at home as Dubai makes world’s worst welcome

A mega-leak of property records reveals how suspected drug traffickers and other criminals call the United Arab Emirates a safe haven as the Gulf state looks the other way.

  • byNick McKenzie andAmelia Ballinger
CEO’s plan for personal millions from Indigenous mine deal exposed

CEO’s plan for personal millions from Indigenous mine deal exposed

The land council’s mine was expected to produce $1 billion in revenue and the chief executive asked for his own cut.

  • byNick McKenzie
Australia pumps $492m into region after pledge to tighten China access

Australia pumps $492m into region after pledge to tighten China access

The government agreed to the substantial funding after the Asian Development Bank pledged to reform its bidding processes.

  • byNick McKenzie
A drug trafficker,a burner phone and an open door at our border

A drug trafficker,a burner phone and an open door at our border

Law enforcement insiders are worried an anti-corruption probe into a highly sensitive Border Force unit has produced no public outcome.

  • byNick McKenzie
Criminals infiltrate the elite taskforce formed to stop drugs landing in Australia

Criminals infiltrate the elite taskforce formed to stop drugs landing in Australia

An elite Fijian police unit working with Australia and New Zealand to fight surging drug trafficking in the Pacific may have been compromised by a powerful criminal syndicate.

  • byNick McKenzie
Australia pays controversial Chinese company millions for Nauru’s new port

Australia pays controversial Chinese company millions for Nauru’s new port

Despite a patchy track record,including allegations of bribery,the Beijing-backed company is delivering a major project for the tiny Pacific nation,which is a major focus in the competition for influence in the region.

  • byNick McKenzie