South Korea made everyone younger,but it can’t reverse its ageing population

South Korea made everyone younger,but it can’t reverse its ageing population

Kim Dong-woo was 31 last week. Now,the Seoul-based entrepreneur is 29.

  • byEryk Bagshaw andSean Na


‘Absolutely avoidable’:How the Seoul crowd crush unfolded

‘Absolutely avoidable’:How the Seoul crowd crush unfolded

Police did not respond to 11 calls warning them that Saturday’s crowded festivities were becoming deadly.

  • byEryk Bagshaw andSean Na
Australian killed in Halloween stampede in Seoul,DFAT confirms

Australian killed in Halloween stampede in Seoul,DFAT confirms

Consular officials are also assisting a number of other Australians who attended the event,DFAT says.

  • byMegan Gorrey,Chris Barrett andSean Na
‘I should not have come here’:Witnesses reveal chaotic scenes from Halloween crush

‘I should not have come here’:Witnesses reveal chaotic scenes from Halloween crush

Dozens of people are still missing in the aftermath of the disaster in Seoul,and the Australian embassy has launched urgent enquiries.

  • byChris Barrett andSean Na
‘It’s biased towards women’:the angry young men on the front line of Korea’s battle of the sexes

‘It’s biased towards women’:the angry young men on the front line of Korea’s battle of the sexes

Anti-feminists have called women “kimchi girls” – slang that suggests their boyfriends pay for them. Older women have been labelled “mum-roaches”.

  • byEryk Bagshaw andSean Na
Yoon Suk-yeol elected South Korea’s next President

Yoon Suk-yeol elected South Korea’s next President

Personal attacks obscured otherwise substantial policy differences in a campaign that revealed a populace bitterly divided about the best way forward.

  • byEryk Bagshaw andSean Na
Throwing uppercuts,‘K-Trump’ candidate divides South Korea on gender

Throwing uppercuts,‘K-Trump’ candidate divides South Korea on gender

Yoon Suk-yeol’s signature move is bold,angry and ambitious. The front-runner populist has vowed to abolish the Gender Equality Ministry.

  • byEryk Bagshaw andSean Na