'Human being first':Sophie McNeill,the fence-jumping correspondent

"I started doing this when I was 18;I'm 35 now,"Sophie McNeill says.

In the tenth chapter of her bookWe Can't Say We Didn't Know,McNeill describes being in the children's ward of al-Sabeen hospital in Sanaa,the capital of Yemen,in mid-2016.

She is surrounded by severely malnourished infants,the casualties of the Saudi Arabian blockade of Yemen's rebel-held north. Two-year-old Emtiaz and 18-month-old Eissa are dying,but neither child's parents can afford the fee for the intensive care unit.

Sophie McNeill with Syrian refugee Nazieh Husein (left) and his wife and children in Germany. In her book McNeill tells of encountering Husein alone on the shores of Greece and helping him search for his family.

Sophie McNeill with Syrian refugee Nazieh Husein (left) and his wife and children in Germany. In her book McNeill tells of encountering Husein alone on the shores of Greece and helping him search for his family.Twitter

By this point readers can guess what is going to happen next. When McNeill finds her work as a journalist interrupted by a human being in dire need of assistance - whether it is an elderly refugee from Syria suddenly alone on a beach in Greece or a youngSaudi woman trying to escape her family and trapped in a hotel in Thailand - she promptly jumps across the fence that is supposed to separate reporters from their subjects.

McNeill offers to pay the fee for Emtiaz and Eissa;it comes to about $20. But this intersection of our affluent Western world with the deprivation and misery of Yemen doesn't have a happy ending;the ICU lacks working ventilators to treat any new admissions.

McNeill's mad dash from Sydney to Bangkok to rescue Saudi woman Rahaf al-Qunun was very different. She ended up barricaded in a hotel room with the 18-year-old,tweeting to the world. Today Qunun has asylum in Canada,but at the time one ABC manager warned McNeill"you'll be portrayed as an activist ... you're not there as a dispassionate observer".

An 18-year-old Saudi woman who fled her family and barricaded herself inside a Bangkok airport hotel to prevent being expelled by Thai authorities has left the airport after talks with the United Nations refugee agency.

Asked whether she ever worries about the line she is crossing,McNeill smiles cheekily,remarking that"I always get a good story out of it",but then she turns defiant.

"I have no regrets ... have the people who teach journalism ever been in that situation? I am always a human being first and a journalist second. I had to try and help ... otherwise it would be pretty hard to live with yourself."

McNeill reminds me that she never studied journalism,instead throwing herself into foreign reporting as a teenager inspired by the work of John Pilger in East Timor and Robert Fisk in Lebanon. When she became the ABC's Middle East correspondent in 2015 her admiration of their work wascited against her at Senate estimates by senior Liberal Eric Abetz,well known for his political support of Israel.

"At the time,I was in Jerusalem with a two-year-old and a four-year-old andthe 'stabbing intifada' was going on,"she says."The wife of one of the victims shopped at my local supermarket. I told my husband that when he went out with the kids he should tie a keffiyeh[Palestinian headscarf] to the pram. It was infuriating to be attacked by someone sitting in Australia ... but you have to develop a thick skin.

"Since my work on Yemen and the Rahaf story I have been targeted by Saudi trolls but at the same time people accuse me of being a US stooge when I report on the work ofSyria's White Helmets. It just makes you more determined.

Labor MP Michael Danby takes out two ads criticising ABC and singling out Sophie McNeill's coverage of Israel and Palestine.

"I still think that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is alitmus test for journos,"she adds."I was so glad that I had been covering it since 2006,so I knew the facts and the terminology,I knew why it was important to call itthe occupied West Bank.

"When[then Labor MP] Michael Danbyaccused me of selective reporting[on Israel],people could see for themselves that I was reporting from other places. So that blew up in his face."

Although she concedes that there is"lots of aerial bombardment in the book",McNeill insists her aim is to galvanise,not demoralise:"The people I profile aren't hapless victims,they are amazing heroes.

"I wanted to tell personal stories,family stories,love stories. People tell me'we need hope'. I'm sick of hope! We need the courage these people have shown. This book is a tribute to them and a platform for them."

Syrian activist Noura Ghazi (centre) with a picture of her husband Bassel Khartabil at a ‘‘Families for Freedom’’ demonstration outside the UN’s office in Geneva in February 2017.

Syrian activist Noura Ghazi (centre) with a picture of her husband Bassel Khartabil at a ‘‘Families for Freedom’’ demonstration outside the UN’s office in Geneva in February 2017.Syria Campaign

McNeill's commitment to people like Syrian internet activistBassel Khartabil and UAE dissidentAhmed Mansoor has changed how she sees some of her youthful heroes. At her book's Melbourne launch she talks sadly aboutPilger's claims on Russian television that the volunteer rescue workers in Syria known as the White Helmets are"a complete propaganda construct".

In the book,she recounts attempts to make contact with journalist,author and US ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power,once a leading proponent of theinternational "Responsibility to Protect" populations from atrocities,over theObama administration's support for Saudi Arabia's offensive in Yemen.

Her new heroes rail at the failure of the UN to support their work,captive as it is tothe veto powers of Russia,China and the US andfinancial pressure from wealthy nations such as Saudi Arabia. When I ask McNeill what reform of the international body might look like,she points to aFrench proposal to restrain the veto power in the UN's Security Council,something Australia's ambassador to the UN,Mitch Fifield,has alsocalled for.

"As a middle power,[Australia] needs to lead on human rights,"McNeill says."Otherwise where can we find the moral high ground to talk aboutthe plight of the Uighurs? That is one of the saddest stories I have ever covered.

"Australia should have anothertargeted intake of Syrian refugees. That's one small positive difference we could make. I have many good friends who were part of the initial intake and the absolute life-changing impact this has had on their lives is immeasurable. But many of them are now spending years waiting to see if their loved ones can join them. We should endeavour to allow these people who have already been through so much to reunite with their families."

I take McNeill back to the title of her book,wondering if - in our age of information overload at the tap of a finger - the problem is that we see and know too much,making it impossible to work out where to begin in addressing conflicts?

She nods but returns to her own example:"I hope my reporting has not led to people feeling overwhelmed ... what we need to remember is how much difference one person can make. People like Bassel,[his activist wife] Noura,Rahaf and[Syrian medic]Khaled Naanaa - that we all need to learn from their courage and self-sacrifice.

"In the West we have this fixation with Islamic State because they could hurt us,but the truth is that far more Syrians have beenkilled by their own government and that just falls out of the headlines.

"Right now the ABC is the only media outlet in the country that has Middle East correspondents. That's shocking.

"We hear from the US on Trump a lot but there does appear to have been a downturn across the media in Australia in terms of foreign coverage. Even the Walkleys decided tocut the international reporting category! This sends a terrible message and I have decided I won't enter the awards again until they return that category.

"The book is full of ordinary people who risked everything to stand up for what they believe in. Are we willing to back them?"

For a moment her eyes are wide and her smile is like a child's in a new world again."There's so much to do."

We Can't Say We Didn't Know:Dispatches from an age of impunity by Sophie McNeill is published by ABC Books,priced $34.99.

Maher Mughrabi is features editor at The Age. From 2014 to 2017 he was foreign editor of The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

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