What author Mark Manson gives a subtle f--- about

Each week,Benjamin Law asks public figures to discuss the subjects we're told to keep private by getting them to roll a die. The numbers they land on are the topics they're given. This week he talks to Mark Manson. The 36-year-old American author’s 2016 book,The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck,has sold nine million copies and been translated into 25 languages. His latest book isEverything is F*cked:A Book About Hope.

Mark Manson:"The more we think about our own deaths or mortality,the more it clarifies what’s important when we’re alive."

Mark Manson:"The more we think about our own deaths or mortality,the more it clarifies what’s important when we’re alive."Louie Douvis


How much money have you made from your books now?
Let’s just put it this way:we’ve sold nine million books,and authors get roughly one to three dollars a copy ... you do the math.[Laughs]

At what point did you realise you were rich?
I don’t think it really sunk in until last year. It’s an irrational thing,right? It’s like some people who lose a lot of weight. It takes a year or two for their perception of themselves to catch up to reality. I’m selling millions of books,but I’m still bargain hunting for airfares and arguing with hotel people about charges on my bill.

You’ve built a career from giving advice to people. What’s the best advice you can give about money?
To be conscious that “value” comes in different forms. There is a material value,but your time is valuable,your emotions are valuable,your dignity is valuable. We’re often not very aware of that,so we take a job we hate,work for people we don’t respect,and try to make people – who we don’t really care about – like us. The ideal situation is you make money by investing in what you find valuable,and spend money on what you find valuable. That’s how I would define wealth. But the best piece of money-related advice I got from my father.

What did he tell you?
My father’s a successful entrepreneur. Early in my career when I was blogging,some of my content got ripped off by somebody who had a higher public stature.

At the time,I was struggling and broke,so I was really upset. My dad said,“Mark,there are two types of people in the world:people who are very good at finding golden eggs and accumulating them;and people who learn how to lay golden eggs. If you learn how to lay a golden egg,this is never going to bother you.”

I’ve since gotten ripped off so many times,people ask me if it bothers me. And I’m like,“No.”

Because you’ve got a golden cloaca.
[Laughs] That I’m sitting on,right now!


When was the last time you went naked that didn’t involve showering or sex?
Skinny-dipping with my wife Fernanda a month ago,for her birthday,at this hotel out in the middle of the desert. I was shocked:she didn’t know what skinny-dipping was.

I thought you were about to say,“I was shocked;I’d never seen her naked before.”
[Laughs] “Yes,finally! After eight years!”

But she’d never been skinny-dipping?
She grew up poor in Brazil. She didn’t know anybody with a pool growing up. So we jumped in at the private hotel pool and skinny-dipped for a while. It was great.

Have you always been comfortable in your own skin?
I’ve always been comfortable with nudity;I wouldn’t say that I’ve always been happy with my body. I don’t think I’ve ever been happy with it.

I grew up in Texas. Me and Texas didn’t really get along. In Texas,everything’s about sports. Football is like a religion,and I’m unathletic,and I liked to eat,so I always had a little bit of a pooch[Texan slang for paunch].

I’ve been thin;I’ve gone through periods where I’ve gained weight,but I’ve never had that athletic,toned body – even though I exercise pretty regularly. I feel cheated by my genetics.

This is a conversation men often don’t have with each other.
Absolutely. Obviously,women are judged way more for their appearance,but it’s just not culturally acceptable for men to talk about this.

What part of your body are you happy with?
I like my face. And I like that I’m tall. That definitely has its advantages.

When was the last time your body betrayed you?
[Laughs] Does sex count?

Oh,for sure.
This is another thing men never talk about:this social expectation that you’re supposed to be like,rock-hard,24/7. But if you’re stressed,anxious or depressed,that shows up in sexual performance. Guys have so much shame around that. They’re like,“Oh,man,I couldn’t keep it up.” And it’s like,“Well yeah,dude,your life’s a mess right now!”

How do we counter that taboo?
The best thing you can do is just talk about it. I see that as a huge part of my work. The more comfortable I am exposing a lot of these issues,the more that will enable or empower other people to feel comfortable,too.


In your work,you reflect on death a lot,and recommend others do the same. Why?
The more we think about our own deaths or mortality,the more it clarifies what’s important when we’re alive. If we can just develop a more conscious practice of thinking about those things,even when everything’s great,it can help us to not waste time.

What would constitute an ideal death for you?
The correct answer is in my sleep,surrounded by my loved ones. But that’s not exciting. If you’re going to go out,it should be epic – like a plane exploding mid-air,before you freefall for 30,000 feet. But I don’t know if I want to stand by that.[Laughs] My ego loves that idea more than I do.


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Benjamin Law is a writer and author of The Family Law and Gaysia.

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