It’s arrived:David Bowie sci-fi classic gets a TV sequel after 45 years

The 1976 science-fiction filmThe Man Who Fell to Earth is considered a substantial and significant work,an exploration of humanity and our management of resources. It’s the story of an alien who comes to our planet looking for a way to ship water,which seems in plentiful supply,back to his home world,which has been stricken by a long and catastrophic drought.

The film is also famous because it starred David Bowie as Thomas Jerome Newton,the Althean alien who comes to earth. Arriving on the eve of the launch ofStar Wars and the rebirth of the sci-fi genre,New York Times critic Richard Eder spoke prophetically when he noted the imminent boom. “We shall be lucky if even one or two[of the coming films] are as absorbing and as beautiful asThe Man Who Fell to Earth.”

Chiwetel Ejiofor as Faraday in The Man Who Fell to Earth.

Chiwetel Ejiofor as Faraday in The Man Who Fell to Earth.Aimee Spinks/SHOWTIME

A new television series with the same title picks up the story some 45 years later,with the arrival of a new alien,Faraday,played by Chiwetel Ejiofor,to complete the mission.

Ejiofor says the so-called “45-year sequel” leans into the original film in that the work created some of the characters featured in the series,but also – perhaps more significantly – because it sets the tone for the series. Especially when it comes to Bowie himself.

“Bowie sets the tone of Altheans,I think in a way,which is really this sense that they are emotionally intelligent,” Ejiofor says. “Sometimes there’s a certain naivete,I guess. And there are some elements that move towards a kind of destructive or self-destructive capacity. But even that self-destruction is tied into the sort of emotional intelligence and sensitivity.

“So I think in some ways,character wise,it jumps off from there. It also kind of jumps off these wider themes about community,about connection,about love,about the capacity and the corruption of love sometimes.”

David Bowie as Thomas Jerome Newton in the 1976 film The Man Who Fell to Earth.

David Bowie as Thomas Jerome Newton in the 1976 film The Man Who Fell to Earth.Supplied

The updated series also holds a lot of optimism,Ejiofor says. “It holds humanity in higher esteem. Whether we deserve it or not,I don’t know,but it definitely feels that the positive things about humanity are really kind of brought out as well as the slightly more negative things.”

In the series,Faraday meets a brilliant scientist,Justin Falls (Naomie Harris),who has given up on humanity,a reflection perhaps that some people are struggling to deal with real-world issues and believe that we are,essentially,at the point of no return.

“There is something about Justin where she needs a miracle,needs to witness a miracle in order to kind of resuscitate this kind of joy in life,” Ejiofor says. “And I think that there is something that I think we’ve kind of collectively experienced over the last few years. A sort of draining of our energies and the sort of need to be rejuvenated,to re-fall in love with our experience.

“For Justin,some of that happens in the form of Faraday,from this miraculous thing that happens,” Ejiofor adds. “But I guess,as a species,we can sometimes fall into not being able to understand or appreciate the miracles that are around us. The sort of profound miracles that are around us every day.”

It is unexpectedly empowering,Ejiofor says,to have an outsider re-articulate that for Justin,“and for us,maybe,if we engage with the show in that way. It’s a kind of special feeling. It definitely was for me playing it. It made me re-appreciate or re-engage with a sense of wonder at our planet.

“Faraday comes from a planet that is dying,and I had forgotten or dismissed how everything that I have,and everything that I love and everything that I’m connected to,and all the joys that I can feel,are also connected to being part of a habitat,of a literal planet,that allows me to do that,” Ejiofor says.

The notion that the film and the television series – so far apart in calendar terms – are both making social commentary about contemporary life suggests the issues that challenged us in 1976 are not so distant from the issues that challenge us in 2022. It does not make the series a polemic,Ejiofor says,but it does mean that art and politics intersect within it.

“If art is entirely without politics,then I think it’s hard to find its meaning,” he says. “But I don’t necessarily think that it’s a polemic in the sense that it is contentious in some way. Sometimes the truth is political and art should strive to articulate what is truthful in the most ingenious ways one can,and I think that’s what this strives to do.

Naomie Harris as Justin Falls in new TV series The Man Who Fell to Earth.

Naomie Harris as Justin Falls in new TV seriesThe Man Who Fell to Earth.Rico Torres/Showtime

“When it works,when art works its best,it’s when it’s almost beyond argument,when things are presented in their most kind of truthful form,” Ejiofor says. “And so what you can do is then reflect on the kind of realities of things and discuss them. And maybe that does lead to disagreements or conversation,but the actual essential nature of it isn’t forcing something on you.”

Instead,he says,the series is ultimately expressing something that you know at some level is true. “One of the things about this show and about this kind of conversation for Faraday,that I think is true of us,whichever side of the debate you land on,that we take our planet entirely for granted.

“Whether you think we should,or whether we shouldn’t ... I think that aspect is true and everybody recognises that as truth,” he says. “Seeing an alien coming from a planet that has all of this destruction and what kind of conflict that raises in this alien,I think there’s drama there. There’s something engaging.”

Important too,he adds,is the manner in which Bowie still looms large over the new series. “He’s just larger than life,larger than the sort of experience of life in a way,and brought such richness and joy and charisma and mischievousness to the experience for all of us,” Ejiofor says. “He influenced all of our culture and our arts and our fashion and our sense of the world and our music,obviously. And I think sits at the heart of a piece like this in a really deep and layered way.

“We all felt that we were kind of brought to it through the kind of lens of David Bowie and the kind of iconic status that he gave to Altheans,not just through the performance that he gave in the film,but how he extended that through his own slightly alien persona generally,” he adds. “And a lot of the kind of music,obviously,that references space and this kind of search and this very sort of cerebral and emotional connection to the stars and the universe and all of our kind of capacity,our glittering capacity within that.”

Bill Nighy is living,breathing proof of the axiom that it takes a legend to play a legend,says Ejiofor. “Bill is exactly that;he has extraordinary capacity as an actor but also he radiates as a human being. All of the ... good stuff. And I’ve known him for 20-something years and it’s been just such a complete joy in my life. I’ve got to spend time with Bill and work with him on a few occasions and he has all of the richness that you could want in this part.”

The Man Who Fell to Earth is on Paramount+.

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Michael Idato is the culture editor-at-large of The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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