The Mummy meets Marvel:Moon Knight adds some much-needed absurdist humour to superhero TV

The first episode ofMoon Knight,the latest Disney+ Marvel series,starts off with a familiar superhero trope:an ordinary man who is overwhelmed by the strange powers thrust upon him. It’s what happens next that breaks the mould.

Rather than rising to the occasion like we’ve seen countless times already (from Spider-Man to Captain America),Oscar Isaac’s Steven Grant spends the first couple of episodes very much failing to rise. Instead,he reacts to the horrifying things happening to him like he’s in a particularly feverish episode ofMr Bean,stumbling about in various levels of befuddlement and bemusement.

Steven Grant,played by Oscar Isaac,doesn’t handle his newfound superpowers all that well.

Steven Grant,played by Oscar Isaac,doesn’t handle his newfound superpowers all that well.AP

Moon Knight is meant to be a bit weird – it’s about the very crowded body of an otherwise normal man. Steven not only shares his body with another personality,but also acts as the superhuman avenger for an ancient Egyptian god. But it’s not really that important to get stuck on the details here. Like with most superhero stories,the closer you look,the more absurd they become.

What’s refreshing,among a crowded,if not over-saturated field of super powered stories,is that the show not only acknowledges its absurdity,but has fun with it. And it’s actually very funny.

It’s entirely down to Isaac,who plays his superhero more like a nineties Hugh Grant rom-com protagonist,complete with a very silly British accent. His Steven Grant is hapless to a fault – the majority of his dialogue is him leaving voice messages to his mum,or talking to his only friends:a human statue who never responds,and a one-finned goldfish.

His catchphrase is “laters,gators”,and when he finds himself accidentally confronting Ethan Hawke’s villain of the series,Arthur Harrow,he describes himself as a “gift shoppist”.

Isaac as Moon Knight.

Isaac as Moon Knight.Marvel Studios

Perhaps regardless of intent,there’s also something inherently funny about the extremely sexy Isaac playing an idiot with no friends who just wants to be a museum tour guide.

This character is contrasted with his own alter-ego (also played by Isaac,in case you’re not quite understanding the premise here),the ultra-capable mercenary,Marc,who does all the severe,muscular,butch things you’d want from a superhero.

The decision to juxtapose these two personalities in a comedic way gives this show the life it needs,Moon Knight himself a fairly niche character from the Marvel comics,without a huge fan base. The action scenes in particular demonstrate this contrast,and are blended with charm and slapstick.

In the first episode there’s a long car chase through some generic European mountains,in which Steven and his alter-ego fight for control of the body. It’s funny,but also creates stakes. Steven is believably panicked and genuinely scared,and when he blinks in and out of consciousness,he finds himself in escalating moments of danger and ultra-violence.

I cared more about this very scared and beautiful man,this bumbling idiot,than I have cared about any Marvel character for a long time. His physicality borders on the clownish. The scenes where his body is wrestled away from him can be described as nothing other than goofy,and enjoyable because of it. A far cry from the kind of ultra-capability and inherent toughness we’re used to from characters like Black Widow and Doctor Strange.

Moon Knightechoes action-adventure films likeThe Mummy, not only because of the large amount of ancient Egyptian beasties chasing our protagonist around,but because of the same blend of action,horror and camp comedy.

Back in 2008,when Iron Man became a massive hit and reinvigorated the superhero genre,the witty one liners Robert Downey’s character became known for were a marked comparison to the other comic book genre films we’d seen before,most notablythe ultra-grimdark Batman franchise (we’ll ignore the briefly camp and colourful Joel Schumacher-ledBatman&Robin from the nineties).

The slapstick,clown-heavy humour of Moon Knight isn’t revolutionary it is welcome.

The slapstick,clown-heavy humour of Moon Knight isn’t revolutionary it is welcome.AP

This kind of comedy only became more prominent with Joss Whedon kicking off the Marvel extended universe with the quippyAvengers franchise.

It was successful,and you only had to look at Marvel’s rival,DC,to see how their first few films suffered comparatively,with their overly serious and earnest tone.

The thing about this kind of comedy in Marvel is that it’s now more of a well-worn rut than even a trope,and might be blunt from over-use.

The ‘light dialogue’ style of humour is now almost shorthand for attempted gags,without actually providing any jokes or even laughter.

One good thing we can say about Marvel’s dominance of screen,is that it gets to experiment with the type of superhero stories we see,likeMoon Knight,and the types of tools they’re using to tell these stories.

Retro sitcom pastiche to examine themes of grief was not a story we would have seen a decade ago,butworked wonderfully for Disney+’s WandaVision. The decision to bring on Taika Waititi to directThor movies,turning him into an ultra-powered himbo man-baby was also a welcome change.

Likewise,the slapstick,goofy,clown-heavy humour ofMoon Knight isn’t exactly revolutionary,but just a welcome change of comedy,and a sign that for those of us who still enjoy seeing good guys beat up the bad guys,we get to experience new varieties of these stories – even funny ones.

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Patrick Lenton is a writer,journalist,and author living in Melbourne,Australia.

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