Who is the better man:Brad or Leo?

I was never the sort of teenager who had posters of film stars on her wall. I associated big-screen heart-throbs with my mum and her mates drooling over Paul Newman and Robert Redford and far preferred the pop stars of the day – your Bowies,Bolans and Bryans. But now that the big pop stars are unappetising items such as Ed Sheeran and Sam Smith,understandably girls look to film stars to provide a bit of eye candy.

Brad Pitt,left,and Leonardo DiCaprio in Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.

Brad Pitt,left,and Leonardo DiCaprio in Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.Supplied

The youngsters seem to go for people who are called either Chris,Hemsworth or both,but to those of us in our early dotage,the last poster boys we could pick out of a police line-up would be Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio. Now they're starring togetherin the new Tarantino film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood,so I asked myself the intellectually challenging question ..."Who's hotter:Brad or Leo?"

They have a lot in common. Being male,Pitt at 55 and DiCaprio at 44 still have much mileage on them as romantic leads. Brad is always himself,which means he is the better star,but DiCaprio has the broader range – fromWhat's Eating Gilbert Grape toThe Wolf of Wall Street,he has turned in some astonishing work – making him the better actor. They both have very highly developed and very visible social consciences;DiCaprio established a non-profit foundation devoted to promoting environmental awareness when he was only 24 and donated $1 million to the Hurricane Harvey Recovery Fund two years ago.

No one likes a virtue-signaller,but when rich people actually dip into their own pockets and routinely pull out millions for good causes it's hard to have a go at them.

Few things are sexier than generosity and both have lived full private lives,often in public. It's attractive that Brad doesn't have a type – counting Sinitta and Gwyneth Paltrow among his girlfriends,he married twice,bouncing straight from America's Sweetheart to a smirking vamp. DiCaprio,on the other hand,is an enthusiastic"modeliser";this may make him shallow – though who can judge unless they've actually had the chance to help themselves from such a superior sexual smorgasbord and turned it down?

I don't know any models so I couldn't get any inside stuff on DiCaprio,but I know three girls who have spent time (not sexy time!) with Pitt and they all reported that he was great fun – witty,gossipy and"smells lovely – I think it was Silver Mountain Water by Creed". Perversely,DiCaprio's enigmatic angle makes me prefer him.


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