National marine oddity gets even stranger with discovery of tiny friend

Its tiny transparent body has a mouth and throat but no eyes. It has a penis and testes – these two dark spots its most visible feature – but it also has a vagina and ovary. How it chooses which to reproduce with is anyone’s guess. It clings to its host with its “haptor” for its entire lifespan,the length of which is also unknown.

And because it can live on only its own host,it shares that host’s critically endangered status – acquired because of human activity before humans even knew it existed.

Only once was this species of parasite – a miniscule,hermaphroditic fluke - ever found before. Now scientists have found it in WA on its one and only host:the mysterious and endangered giant guitarfish.

Despite the connotations of its name,it is not necessarily harmful,especially at the low levels present in the wild (as opposed to the potential impact in a farming setting).

Scientists love parasites,calling them crucial to the kind of ecosystem knowledge that saves a species. They might even be of value to their hosts,with some recent work showing parasites absorbed heavy metals from their hosts.

Until now only one specimen of this species,dermopristis cariae, has been found:on the floor of a quarantine tank in Queensland. Its living host was unconfirmed.

In Western Australia’s Shark Bay region researchers have for the first time found it in the wild,confirming it belongs to the elusive and powerful giant guitarfish,also known as the giant shovelnose ray.

The ray was once found throughout the Indo-Pacific but was heavily fished and is now globally critically endangered. It now only thrives in a few northern Australian strongholds,particularly this ecosystem World Heritage-listed for its biodiversity.

Murdoch University scientists enlisted the help of Indigenous rangers with both the knowledge of the rays’ movements and the nerve to catch them by hand.

The abundance in the region had come to the attention of shark and ray expert Dr Karissa Lear after amass stranding two years ago.

Plans emerged for a field trip to discover more about the enigmatic rays,which can grow to almost three metres and give birth to live young.

Local Leon Deschamps,of the Shark Ark conservation project,who had worked to save the stranded rays during the stranding,lent his boat for the research and connected Lear with Malgana Indigenous rangers.

Deschamps said their performance,particularly of Matthew Cross,who had “probably the most incredible ecological knowledge of the bay that exists”,drove home the advantages of engaging with traditional owners.

“For a start[Matthew] wasn’t afraid of crash-tackling the guitarfish which is like taking a rollercoaster ride on a sandpaper conveyor belt,” Deschamps said.

“He is a hunter,but it’s also the knowledge of where they will be,time and location,where the babies are,where the winds and tides and currents are each day to maximise field time.”

Lear said to save the guitarfish,scientists needed to know what affected them in different environments.

Her other areas of study are helping to inform conservation work.

Knowing how connected the populations are along the north-west coast and across to Indonesia can give an idea of how vulnerable they are.

Populations that are genetically connected and able to inter-breed are more robust,whereas smaller more genetically isolated populations are more vulnerable to fishing pressure.

Knowing how they use their habitat – whether they stay in one spot or are transient – can inform whether marine protected areas might be effective.

The Shark Ark team have sent the guitarfish footage to Fisheries Minister Don Punch to promote their campaign for a marine sanctuary in the region.

Murdoch PhD candidate Jack Ingelbrecht said this was the most extensive parasite work ever done on the guitarfish.

All three known species ofdermopristisbelong to a comparatively new genus,only described by western science just over a decade ago.

The other two are also host-specific and live on the largetooth (freshwater) sawfish,and the green sawfish.

“Our knowledge of extinction is only regarding species that have been catalogued,” he said.

“It’s estimated that so many more have gone extinct that we have never described.”

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Emma Young is a producer,sub-editor and journalist with WAtoday. She is the winner of nine WA Media Awards and the author of two novels published in 2021 and 2023 by Fremantle Press.

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