My heart goes out to Kim Kardashian. Sincerely

Here’s something I would have put money on never uttering in my lifetime:Kim Kardashian West,congratulations. You have helped millions this week with your wise words and I sincerely thank you. Stay strong. My thoughts are with you and your family.

I could make some quip here about how vapid,vain and vulgar I have found this woman to be in the past but in light of this week’s efforts from the reality TV starlet,it would only make me deserving of the same adjectives. Mental illness is not a subject for humour or ridicule. It is a serious issue that requires respect for those who are suffering,and empathy for those who love them. Kardashian is the latter and my heart goes out to her.

Kanye West makes his first presidential campaign appearance in North Charleston.

Kanye West makes his first presidential campaign appearance in North Charleston.AP

You do not need to be a psychiatrist to diagnose Kanye West’s mental state over the past week. Kardashian’s husband and the father of her four children has mentally unravelled as the world has watched,withthe launch of his presidential campaign in South Carolina on Monday,which saw him break into tears and declare that his wife almost aborted their first child,North,before he saved her,amongst other incoherent ramblings about god,fashion and racism.

This erratic behaviour continued on Twitter,with the rapper ranting allegations that his wife was a"white supremacist"who tried to have him"locked up"and who he was “trying to divorce”. The fact Kardashian continues to speak of her husband with the love and respect that she does after the abortion revelation alone has raised my respect for her to no end.

But this isn’t Kardashian’s first encounter with her husband’s irrational and radical outbursts,just the latest in her reality of loving a man with an untreated bipolar disorder.

Once known as manic depression,bipolar is a serious mental health condition that affects around two per cent of Australians,with sufferers experiencing extreme moods – both low (depressed),and high or excited (manic). According to mental health serviceBeyond Blue,those in a manic state often behave in an overexcited or reckless way.

Everything speeds up – their thoughts,speech and movements – and they may have difficulty focusing on tasks or feel frustrated and irritable. Symptoms include:increased energy;irritability;overactivity;increased spending;increased sex drive;racing thoughts;rapid speech;decreased sleep;grandiose ideas;and hallucinations and/or delusions.

The symptoms of a low or depressed state are the same as those for people experiencing depression. These include feeling low or sad,withdrawing from friends and family,and losing interest in previously enjoyable activities. Signs include:low mood;irritability;loss or change of appetite;lack of motivation;low self-esteem;sleep disturbance;suicidal thoughts;and difficulty managing small tasks or making simple decisions.

No one wants this disorder,no one deserves it,and no one wants to see someone they care about endure it. Which brings me back to Kardashian,who released a statement via Instagram this week that eloquently encapsulated that pain.

"As many of you know,Kanye has bipolar disorder. Anyone who has this or has a loved one in their life who does,knows how incredibly complicated and painful it is to understand. I’ve never spoken publicly about how this has affected us at home because I am very protective of our children and Kanye’s right to privacy when it comes to his health. But today,I feel like I should comment on it because of the stigma and misconceptions about mental health.

"Those that understand mental illness or even compulsive behaviour know that the family is powerless unless the member is a minor. People who are unaware or far removed from this experience can be judgmental and not understand that the individual themselves have to engage in the process of getting help no matter how hard family and friends try."

And herein lies another level of tragedy in West’s case – he refuses treatment. Like so many bipolar sufferers,West won’t take medication that could moderate his moods as he believes his manic episodes are vital to his creative process. This sentiment is something psychologists working with bipolar patients sometimes term as a manic-high addiction.

"Living with bipolar disorder does not diminish or invalidate his dreams and his creative ideas,no matter how big or unobtainable they may feel to some,” Kardashian continued. “That is part of his genius and as we have all witnessed,many of his dreams have come true. We as a society talk about giving grace to the issue of mental health as a whole,however we should also give it to the individuals who are living with it in times when they need it the most.”

Those words may seem simple and unworthy of my accolades,but take this into consideration:Kardashian has 108.8 million Instagram followers. Arguably,not since Princess Diana went public with her eating disorder in the 1980s has such a vital message reached such a vulnerable audience. And while I have been an outspoken critic of the 39-year-old not using this enormous platform to educate and enlighten in the past,I can’t fault her actions this week.

Because while Kardashian is watching her husband endure so much pain so publicly,she is also raising his four children,daughtersNorth,7,andChicago,2,and sonsSaint,4,andPsalm,14 months. And knowing she has to navigate West’s next,probably inevitable,emotional crash,today I have no scorn for Kardashian – just overwhelming compassion.

Wendy Squires is a regular contributor.

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