Canine love in the time of COVID

OK,we followed the trend and got a COVID dog.

In the end,no matter how much time you spend researching breeds,temperament,health issues and behavioural problems,there’s the dog that you actually end up with. As many rescue owners can understand,you’re also stuck with the story that you’re told,rather than what actually happened. We got a two-year-old kelpie. Poor failed farm dog Rosie* was rolled by some sheep:a traumatic event that ended her career and led to confinement in a kennel.

Cath Moore:choosing a dog is a difficult ask.

Cath Moore:choosing a dog is a difficult ask.

Our initial vet consultation was also a bit traumatic,mostly for me. The vet had to meet us outside the clinic because Rosie refused to come near the building. His first words were:“Well,this is a highly inappropriate dog for a family. Look at her. She’s got an extreme anxiety disorder.” Like it had been on my wish list. He then went on to talk casually about euthanasia as a viable possibility and,at the very least,canine boot camp where the dog is taken away and trained at someone else’s house for two weeks.

It would,of course,be a very difficult process,and it was probably best to pop an ad in Gumtree because there would be a better home for her out there. Possibly with a retired farmer,where she could just chase after a tractor all day long. Seems the cancel culture also extends to dogs with mental health issues.

I held back tears as I struggled to get Rosie back in the car,finally picking her up and collapsing into the boot with her. After living with depression and anxiety for the greater part of my adult life,I felt a real kinship with Rosie. I’m hypersensitive to loud noises and assume disaster is imminent. I overthink everything.

Though exhausting at times,I’m certainly not defined by anxiety,and I didn't want Rosie held hostage by a label either. She has a loving,playful instinct that is always on show. My partner is convinced that she dumped his wallet in the loo,but I strongly refute this claim given his chronic mismanagement of personal belongings.

We recently employed a dog behaviourist,someone who was willing to provide us with hope,rather than the long sleep goodbye. Mental health issues don’t disappear with love,but the intensity of experience can shift given the right circumstances. We are all in training now for the foreseeable future and I’m fully embracing the fundamentals of change:time,patience and gin. I reckon Rosie is worth the investment.

* Dog names have been changed to protect their identity.

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