My new pair of jeans came with a denim etiquette bombshell

A couple of weeks back,I braved the recently repopulated city,shopping for a new pair of jeans. I used to love wandering around the CBD,but since the pandemic,swarming masses make me uneasy. So it was a relief to find myself the only customer in the fancy denim shop I’d selected;the sort of place where the jeans have their own names,like Cabbage Patch dolls,and the clothes are made from organic cotton,harvested in a humane way,without harming any innocent shrubs.

The fellow who served me seemed to be one of the generic cool-dudes who populate such establishments,until we got to chatting,and he turned out to be quite lovely and very friendly. I was thinking how wonderful it was that this young man should banter so effortlessly with a woman old enough to be his mother’s slightly older sister,when he dropped a bombshell that destroyed the generational bridge we’d built. “Whatever you do,don’t wash those jeans for six months. At least!”

I don’t know how things go in the world of hip young denim purveyors,but I have a dog who likes to rub his muzzle on my leg after he finishes his breakfast. I have children who never learned about napkins,and instead wipe their hands on the sofa,which I then sit upon. And what if I sneeze suddenly while wearing my fabulous new jeans? As a person whose pelvic floor never quite recovered from baby number two,the consequences of a violent kerchoo can be messy.

But it was the “at least” part that bothered me the most. Did he mean that a true jeans aficionado would walk around plastered in wee and dog snot for more than half a year? How much longer? “Well,I don’t wash my jeans at all!” he answered triumphantly. The point,he explained,was to prevent them shrinking. Yet this wasn’t exactly what I’d had in mind when I paid a hefty premium for a pair of organic cotton daks.

“What if I spill something on them?” I asked,preferring not to discuss my post-partum continence issues with a 19-year-old part-time model. “If you get a stain,maybe dab it with a wet cloth,” he conceded reluctantly. “Or you could just air them on the line,if you really have to.” As if even exposing these pants to fresh air and sunlight might compromise their integrity.

As I carried my precious new jeans home,the cleanest they’d be for a long,long time,I looked at the passing crowds with a new sense of terror. How many of them were sporting garments that had never been washed? Here I was,worried that every passerby might be a COVID vector when I was just as likely to be surrounded by people whose jeans harboured enough E. coli to close down a string of fast-food restaurants. What would a forensics team find if they shone one of those blue lights on the pants of my fellow shoppers?

Most experts seem to agree that we wash our clothes too often. Modern ideas of sanitation,for all the good they’ve done (hello,saving lives!) have also led to an obsession with cleanliness. In recent years,there’s been a growing awareness that being exposed to dirt at a young age might have benefits for children’s immune systems. Besides our hands and our teeth,we don’t need to wash ourselves nearly as much as we do. But when it comes to clothes,limiting washes is less about health and more about the environment. Washing machines use lots of water and power,and put detergents into the environment. There’s also the issue of plastic micro-particles,shed by synthetic materials whenever they’re laundered.

Many years ago,I worked with a young man who admitted that he hadn’t washed his jeans since he’d bought them,sometime in the distant past. I imagined him to be a filthy boy,the sort whose house would smell of crusty bed sheets and bong water. But maybe I’d been too quick to judge? Perhaps he was actually fashion-forward,not just on his denim etiquette,but also from an environmental point of view.

So I’ve decided I’ll give it a go. Hayfever season is far away,as are the sneezing fits it brings,so maybe I can last six months without washing my jeans. Although if the same company launches a range of underwear,I’m drawing the line.

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Monica Dux is a writer,columnist and social commentator.

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