Porna is here - with women as subjects,not objects

Recent research has revealed that women are increasingly becoming consumers of online porn,and feminist pornographers are taking more control in an industry which has traditionally focused on satisfying men's needs.

When we talk about porn we usually assume that men mostly look at it,but it's no secret that women are also increasingly becoming consumers of online porn.

One of the world's most popular free websites,Pornhub,visited by about 150 million people every month,has revealed that women make up a quarter of its global audience. However,the idea of women getting off looking at porn isn't as normalised yet as it is for men.

Female-focused'porna'is gaining popularity.

Female-focused 'porna' is gaining popularity.iStock

With the new technology available,it's so much easier for women to overcome the barriers that existed before. With a smartphone or internet-enabled device,they can access explicit material discreetly. But openly talking about watching porn is still daunting – most women are embarrassed or even ashamed – because it is still very much a taboo.

The operators of Pornhub decided in 2014 to examine the choices of their female viewers and found that their lesbian category ranked No. 1. That same year aBritish Cosmopolitan magazine survey also found that many women gravitated towards lesbian sex. Most women preferred to watch porn alone,and two-thirds said they never watched it with a partner. More than half agreed that porn had a positive impact on their sex lives. Most of the respondents use porn to find out what they liked and incorporate it into their sex lives and masturbation practices.

The industry started taking women as an audience seriously and there was a lot of debate about what they liked since most of mainstream porn was filmed through a male lens. In mainstream porn,everything is about male pleasure and women are objects. Women were put off by the aggressive hard-core movies where women are called sluts or bitches,were shoved,choked or worse,and behaved as if they enjoyed it,the research found.

British sex educator Cindy Gallop is the chief executive and founder ofMake Love Not Porn,a website dedicated to correcting sexual misconceptions and providing an alternative to hard-core porn. She explains:"Sex is messy,funny,impulsive and intimate;porn is none of the above. Sex is,or should be,preceded by enthusiastic consent and discussions of STI protection and contraceptives;porn has none of that. Sex is about people;porn tends to be about bodies."

In the past few years,several female directors and producers who had become tired of mainstream porn and fed up with criticising it without offering an alternative,started making erotic films they liked to watch themselves. These movies are not about horny schoolgirls,sexy nannies or naughty nurses. They are porn for women,made by women,and they focus mainly on female pleasure.

One of the best known isErika Lust,a Swedish erotic film director,screenwriter and producer,who has been a force for the feminist porn movement. After shooting her first filmThe Good Girl in 2004,which received international success and recognition,she founded Lust Films in Barcelona. Her team produces short adult films based on anonymous confessions that viewers submit on the project's website.

In an interview she said:"For me it's important,as part of my responsibility as a director,to make sure that the performers,both men and women,feel empowered by starring in my films. I want to work with people who want to perform in erotic films. Idon't want anybody doing this because they don't have another choice."

"For women to get excited,they want to see women that look like us. They want to see independent women exploring their sexuality who are not afraid but are not sex heroines either. They want to see attractive men who share our lifestyles,our ideas."

Lust was invited to give a talk atTEDxVienna – it was called"It's Time for Porn To Change".

Ten years agoThe Feminist Porn Awards were introduced,reflecting that female porn producers,directors and actors did not feel represented in mainstream pornography. They wanted to show a feminist viewpoint and new approaches to sexual representation. The introduction of a feminist point of view forced the mainstream industry to take notice. The awards wanted to celebrate people who were making porn in a feminist way and help them gain exposure to a greater audience.

Many of the movies are shown on DUSK,an international,Netherlands-based erotic-television channel for women. It has been broadcasting 24/7 since 2007. It prefers to call female porn"porna"– which is distinguished primarily by the high quality of the movies and the attention given to female enjoyment.

Women have always been told what to do with their bodies and with whom. Creating and consuming the kind of erotic content they want to see may help them take ownership of their sexuality.

Matty Silver is a relationship counsellor and sex therapist

Matty Silver is a columnist.

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