Nationals senator Matthew Canavan.

Nationals senator Matthew Canavan.Credit:Jesse Marlow

"The feedback I'm getting from my constituencies is that they are unhappy because politicians seem more concerned with their own jobs than the lives of people they represent,"he said.

"We will take our time and listen to our people about what they want."

Senator Williams told Fairfax Media that a new agreement had to be drawn up and the parties would"come to some agreement hopefully".


"In my opinion there are some things that are very important to the National Party,I envisage they will be discussed,"he said,and cautioned Mr Turnbull not to take the party for granted.

Malcolm Turnbull will become Australia's fifth prime minster in five years.

Malcolm Turnbull will become Australia's fifth prime minster in five years.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

"Surely Tony Abbott was more to the right than Malcolm Turnbull so for balance I think there is a very important role for the Nationals to play in the future."

He said Mr Turnbull's position on same-sex marriage and a price on carbon will be issues of particular concern.

Nationals leader Warren Truss reminded MPs last night that"my Coalition agreement is with Tony Abbott".

Despite the call not to rush into an agreement,political hard heads in the country-based party said it was very unlikely the two parties would not come together in Coalition.

More to come

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