Naomi Worrall from Lismore took voluntary redundancy as a union organiser and opened a cake business called Seasons and Whim.

Naomi Worrall from Lismore took voluntary redundancy as a union organiser and opened a cake business called Seasons and Whim.

Naomi Worrall,from Lismore,worked in community services for 10 years and then as a union organiser for 10 years before taking voluntary redundancy a month ago.

She decided to take a few months off and dabble in some cake making,but interest has been so high that it has turned into a business,called Seasons and Whim. It has been a steep learning curve as she has had to do her own carpentry and learn how to run a business.

“There’s something about cakes – I’ve not had one single person give me negative feedback about it being a silly idea,which I found surprising because usually people are happy to point out the flaws in your plan,” Ms Worrall said. “Everyone’s been overwhelmingly positive.”

Fiona Sives from Croydon in Sydney quit her administration job at a large medical devices company in July to join a start-up medical devices company,EMVision Medical Devices.

She was at the previous company for 15 years and the main reason she left was because of lack of opportunity to develop and grow.

“I had applied for seven roles internally over the last two and a half years that I was there,all unsuccessfully,and it was breaking my heart,” Ms Sives said.

“[With my new job],it’s more money,I feel more valued,and I’ve got greater scope.

“I’d been thinking about it seriously for about a year,but the pandemic probably did delay me actually doing something about it because I was worried about the stability of the market altogether.”

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