“If we can have a national policy on this,of course Queensland will step up to the plate,” the Premier said on Thursday.

“If we can have a national policy on this,of course Queensland will step up to the plate,” the Premier said on Thursday.Credit:James Brickwood

“I can’t tell states what to do,but I can bring us all together and try and develop a national approach,and I’m really happy to do that,” he said.

The state government haslong stood behind the recommendations of a 2018 classroom cyberbullying review,which did not call for a ban. The head of that taskforce,Madonna King,publicly changed her positionlast week.


Asked if she planned to bring that review group back together,Palaszczuk said she thought the issue needed “fresh eyes”,with broader issues around bullying and the amount of time children spent with devices.


Queensland Teachers Union vice-president Leah Olsson said principals were best placed to set their own policies,with some state schools having problems with phones while others did not.

“The very purpose for students to be at school is to learn,and technological devices – including phones – can support that,” Olsson told News Corp on Thursday.

Some researchers have argued the answers arenot as simple as bans,with issues aroundhow to enforce them,students needing to learn how to function with digital distractions,and bullying existing beyond the classroom online and offline.

The little research done into the worldwide trend has raised questions about the benefits,with one2020 Swedish study finding high school student grades did not change after a ban.

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