Why negative gearing has gone the way of the dinosaur

Money columnist

For years the term negative gearing has been synonymous with federal elections.

Labor,to its detriment,promised to clamp down on it in its last election campaign,and the Greens policy for the coming election is to “phase out negative gearing for people with two or more investment properties,and prohibit negative gearing for all new house purchases”.

Negative gearing was all the rage in the 1980s when borrowing rates were high.

Negative gearing was all the rage in the 1980s when borrowing rates were high.Kerrie Leishman

The problem is the term negative gearing is now effectively obsolete,as is the rationale for trying to restrict it.

Gearing means borrowing. When you borrow to buy an asset and the outgoings exceed the income from that asset,you have a negative cash flow from the asset. Hence,the term negative gearing.

Now for a bit of a history lesson.

Negative gearing was all the rage in the 1980s. Interest rates on loans were 14 per cent,inflation was 10 per cent and the top marginal tax rate was 60 per cent,which cut in when income reached $35,001.

Our tax system then was great for property and bad for shares.

There was no capital gains tax,but dividends on shares were effectively taxed twice.

Companies paid tax at 46 per cent,and then the shareholders paid tax again,at up to the top rate of 60 per cent,on dividends that had already been taxed.

There was also an undistributed profits tax that penalised private companies that tried to retain profits for expansion.

Back then,anybody who wanted to create wealth faced a dilemma. If you put money in the bank you lost up to 60 per cent in tax. If you worked overtime,you lost the same amount in tax.

If you tried to expand your business,or invest in shares,you got hit twice – up to 60 per cent in personal tax on top of the 46 per cent company tax. However,if you invested in property using negative gearing,you had it made.

The top tax rate of 60 per cent meant that your interest got an effective government subsidy of 60 per cent and,when you eventually sold,the profit was usually tax-free.

Best of all,capital gains were almost guaranteed,as the population was growing and cities were expanding.

The tax system almost compelled people to invest in housing. However,it favoured high-income earners,and contributed to house price increases.

In July 1985,in an attempt to level the playing field,the Hawke government took the bold step of placing some restrictions on borrowing for investment.

For all properties bought after that date,they disallowed a tax deduction for interest that exceeded the rents for the year,net of rates and maintenance deductions.

So,if a rental house returned $5000 gross and allowable deductions other than interest and depreciation came to $2000,only $3000 of the interest would be tax-deductible.

If the interest cost was $4000,the undeducted portion ($1000) could only be claimed against net income from the property in the future.

However,the property industry did some intense lobbying,claiming that the changes to negative gearing had caused investment in rental accommodation to dry up and rents to rise.

In September 1987,the government restored the old rules,once again permitting the deduction of interest and other rental property costs from other income sources.

It is an entirely different world today. With record-low interest rates and reasonably high property investment yields,negative gearing is all but impossible.

For example,think about a person earning between $45,000 and $120,000 a year.

If they borrowed $500,000 at 3 per cent to buy a residential property for $550,000 with a net yield of 4 per cent,the cash surplus would be $7000 a year (ignoring depreciation allowances,which depend on the property purchased and are clawed back on sale anyway).

There is no tax advantage. There is no tax deduction – the investor has positive cashflow from day one.

Housing affordability remains a massive problem in most developed countries,but there is no easy solution.

Central banks helped create the trouble by slashing interest rates to record lows,which effectively reduced the price of housing by enabling a surplus of buyers into the market.

Once house prices started rising fast,fear of missing out kicked in and fuelled a property boom.

Governments have further exacerbated the problem with a series of incentives for buyers to purchase their first home,which have pushed prices even higher.

Coming rises in official interest rates will likely make house prices fall but,one thing I know for certain:any measures introduced to discourage borrowing for investment won’t make one scrap of difference.

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Noel Whittaker,AM,is the author of Making Money Made Simple and numerous other books on personal finance.

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