How to budget and save for a stress-free holiday

Senior economics writer

I took my first airline flight in a year and a half recently. Completely forgot how to do it.

As I stood at the bag drop-off area,wondering why it my bag wasn’t registering,a kind attendant pointed out that I had failed to print out any bag tags to affix to them.

Budgeting takes the worry out of whether or not you can afford a holiday

Budgeting takes the worry out of whether or not you can afford a holidayKate Geraghty

In my defence,I used to have bag tags the machines could automatically read. But I’ve long since lost those – discarded in one of my lockdown de-cluttering purges,I suspect.

The pandemic has reshaped all our financial lives. One of the biggest changes for many has been the money we’ve saved on interstate and international travel and holidays.

As vaccinations roll out,we’re all being encouraged to get on the holiday spending bandwagon again.

On April 1,airlines are set to unveil how travellers can take advantage of the federal government’s $1.2 billion half-priced flights tourism stimulus package.

The discounts will apply for travel between May and September this year.

So,you can get planning. The 13 destinations hand-picked to be part of the scheme include:the Gold Coast,Cairns,the Whitsundays region (including Hamilton Island),the Sunshine Coast,the Lasseter region (including Uluru),Alice Springs,Launceston,Devonport,Burnie,Broome,Avalon,Merimbula and Kangaroo Island.

We don’t have details yet of the pricing but it is likely Sydney and Melbourne dwellers will be able to get to Queensland for about $100 – provided they don’t shut the border,of course.

Holidays are by far the biggest expense in my “lifestyle” budget category – the ninth of my 10 budgeting categories.

Other lifestyle expenses include eating out,alcohol,games,toys,camping and fishing equipment,movie tickets,live theatre,concerts,national parks fees and streaming services. For a full checklist of things to consider,click here. (To receive links each week to all my previous budgeting worksheets,sign up to receive to my new ‘Money with Jess’ newsletter via the link at the end of this article.)

Holidays are unique because I budget for them using a “Holidays Future Fund”.

On mymonthly spending tracker,I write down every dollar I outlay,assigning each expense to one of three categories:direct debits,variable spending and “future fund” expenses.

Direct debits are just that – everything that is automatically debited from my bank accounts,including things such as electricity and Netflix bills.

Variable spending is everything else that is not part of my Future Funds.

My Future Funds are my precious budgeting babies. I encourage you to make as many as you can!

Doing so is easy peasy. You just think of something you want,or need,to spend money on in the future – a big expense,such as a holiday,or the cost of maintaining a car – and call it a Fund.

Figure out roughly how much you expect that thing to cost over a year. Then,divide the cost into regular periods – weekly or monthly amounts that you can put aside to slowly finance that future spending.

I have six Future Funds (also known as sinking funds). One for household expenses,car,school,health,holidays and gifts for Christmas and birthdays.

In June last year,I sat down and figured out my anticipated expenses for each over this financial year. Budgets often fail because we forget to factor in these big,irregular expenses.

I set aside a figure of $4020 for my Holidays Future Fund,or $335 a month. I think I had in mind one annual trip to Bali and Christmas flights to Adelaide to visit family.

Sadly,of course,neither of those things happened in 2020.

But I’m making up for lost time!

Determined to view a water mass from the sky once again,I flew to Hobart earlier this month for an eight-day holiday.

We walked the 48-kilometre,four-day Three Capes Track from Port Arthur (spectacular) and spent the rest of the week holed up in a luxury Airbnb looking out over the Freycinnet Peninsula,downing fresh lobster and oysters as fast as we could go ($24 for a dozen – can you believe it?!).

None of which seems particularly budget-conscious. But here lies the common misnomer about budgeting.

The point of budgeting is not simply spending less. It’s to spend more intentionally. It’s to splash out on things that align with your values and aspirations. Not to fritter away your money in a haze of bills and internet shopping.

The aim is to take control of your money and spend deliberately. The by-product of that is that you can then see where your money is going,make sure you spend less than you earn,and have a good idea of what savings you have left over to invest.

Spending money is,in fact,something to relish.

There is no greater feeling than being on holidays and not having to worry about expenses because you have set up a fund to cover it all.

After our Tassie adventure,my Holidays Future Fund is looking a delightfully depleted. I set up my funds by financial year,so there’s not much left in the kitty to last me until June 30. I’ve declined a weekend away I was planning but I am already looking to expand my Fund for FY2021-22.

Life is short,my friends. Book a holiday.

You can follow Jess’ money and holiday adventures on Instagram@moneywithjess

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Jessica Irvine is a senior economics writer with The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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