Disruptive digital design could help health services reach vulnerable

No doubt many of us are very fortunate to live productive and engaged lives in this very ancient land. For those who do enjoy a rich state of mental health and wellbeing,Prime Minister Morrison’s catch-cry of “How Good’s Australia!”,is easy to endorse. During Mental Health Week,however,a more serious question we need to face is this:“How good is Australia’s mental health and wellbeing?"

Recently,the Australian Bureau of Statistics released its 2018 data on Causes of Death. Suicide rates in Australia now stand at 12.1 in 100,000 people,up from 10.7 in 2009 and 11.1 in 2013. Suicide is the leading cause of death in those aged 15-44 years,resulting in 105,630 years of life being lost prematurely in 2018.

While suicide,intentional self-harm and related accidents (such as deaths due to single-car accidents) are complex,ABS notes that 44 per cent are linked to mood disorders,22 per cent to other emotional states,18 per cent to anxiety,29 per cent to psychoactive substance use and 22 per cent to alcohol and other drugs.

Stressed woman with her head in her arm.

Stressed woman with her head in her arm.iStock

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) also released new statistics. About 8 per cent (2.1 million) Australians received a mental health service from a GP and 5.1 per cent (1.2 million) accessed Medicare-subsidised services from a psychologist or other allied health practitioner. All up,about 2.4 million Australians (10 per cent) received some mental health care from a hospital,emergency department or other mental health practitioner.

It would appear,however,that we are failing to reach about half of those in need. Our capital-city centric and clinic-based systems don’t connect well with young people (who increasingly use emergency departments),those in outer urban and rural settings,those in poorer areas and those from culturally diverse backgrounds. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities are among the most neglected. Access to specialist psychiatrists and clinical psychologists is particularly restricted by geography and high out-of-pocket costs.

Importantly,about one-third of mental health care is rated by the users,and one-half by family and other carers,as inadequate or poorly delivered. Repeated service failures have precipitated another Royal Commission in Victoria,adding to the long list of previous public sector inquiries. The PM has announced another review of suicide prevention and the Productivity Commission is conducting a key inquiry of service structures and payment systems.

Access to psychologists is particularly restricted by geography.

In response to these mental health care deficiencies,we have promoted more community awareness,expanded Medicare funding (notably for psychology services),opened more crisis services and built more hospitals. Professional organisations strongly favour these traditional responses. But do these approaches really respond to user needs and desires,such as access,quality,privacy,convenience,cost,24/7 availability or choice?

By contrast,the World Economic Forum (WEF) suggests other paths,most notably the rapid development,evaluation and deployment of new internet-based technologies. These tools have the capacity to deliver high-quality services (alone or in combination with traditional clinics),at relatively low cost (including no direct cost to the user) to much larger and more dispersed populations. The delivery of services can also be highly personalised and customised to meet the specific needs of population groups.

Private technology companies are way ahead of the WEF. The investments by Apple,Alphabet-Google and other major players in health,and progressively in mental health,are well advanced. What we will see in the very near future is the ‘Uberisation’ of mental health care:an enormous global community demand for better solutions currently unmet by traditional clinical services effectively disrupted by private operators.

Mental health does not require practitioners to be in close physical contact with patients. In fact,there is no great need to be in the same country. The new hubs for such digital services may well lie offshore. The relevant regulatory systems may be beyond our control. But the rapid development of a whole range of mental health assessment and tracking systems,interventions and social connection apps means that the content is already out there.

Many of the highest quality digital mental health interventions have been developed by Australian researchers or social organisations. We are fortunate that the Australian government has been a major funder of early developments in this field (including those I am personally linked to). The real question is whether we will actually take these to scale or whether they will be rapidly on-sold to international investors.

If Australian governments are genuine about responding – at scale and with quality consumer-facing interventions – to the rising tide of mental ill-health,then technology-assisted approaches will need to be considered as 21st-century central infrastructure. The challenges for effective and low-cost (to the user) service delivery will not only be ethical,legal,security and privacy-based but will also consider whether our telecommunications infrastructure is affordable and fit-for-purpose. Most importantly,will our national policies finally move to recognising both the opportunity,and the necessity,of supporting these developments?

Professor Ian Hickie is co-director of health and policy at the Brain and Mind Centre,University of Sydney. (He is a 5 per cent equity shareholder in InnoWell Pty Ltd,the joint venture company of University of Sydney and PwC who administer Project Synergy on behalf of the Australian Government).

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