I backed Berejiklian’s right to power,but her fall is not a blow for feminism

Labor senator for NSW

One of the first acts of reconciliation in Australia involved a meeting between female Aboriginal elders and the priest Samuel Marsden at the foot of Prospect Hill,in the area now covered by Cumberland Council,in 1805. Female leadership brought an end to local wars.

More than 205 years later,in 2010,Julia Gillard became Australia’s first female prime minister. That night,as the first female premier of NSW,I attended a school event,where a group of year 6 girls came running to meet me,full of excitement. “Miss,Miss,girls are in charge everywhere!” one of them exclaimed.

Power has its limits,no matter who holds it ... Gladys Berejiklian will appear before the state’s anti-corruption watchdog on October 18.

Power has its limits,no matter who holds it ... Gladys Berejiklian will appear before the state’s anti-corruption watchdog on October 18.Kate Geraghty

For those girls,the possibilities of what they might achieve in life – for women’s empowerment – seemed limitless.

Today,those year 6 girls would be in their mid-20s. I wonder if they have maintained that optimism. What might they think about women’s empowerment in the Australia of 2021,where domestic violence is endemic,the gender pay gap isn’t predicted to close for 26 years,the superannuation gap is a whopping $66,000,homelessness is growing fastest among women over 55,and where sexual harassment,rape and lack of consent continue to impact the lives of our sisters and daughters?

Those year 6 girls went on to witness vile sexist attacks on our first female prime minister – and not in the dark corners of the internet,but in mainstream media and in the Parliament. When Gillard left office,she predicted the next female prime minister would have it easier than she did when it came to misogyny and sexism. I hope she is right,but her prediction is hardly bullet-proof.

This year,not far from where Tony Abbott spoke in 2011 at a small rally with posters calling Gillard a “witch” and worse,thousands of women gathered for the Women’s March 4 Justice to say “enough is enough”. Enough with the violence. Enough with the rape. Enough with the sexism. Enough with the inequality. It was seismic. It gave great hope.

But no one rally is enough to make a lasting change. Change comes when we maintain solidarity. When we exercise power. And when we hold ourselves accountable to make that lasting change. Solidarity. Power. Accountability.

Gloria Steinem,founder ofMs magazine,says:“Power is never given,it must be taken. If we wait for someone to hand us power,we will wait forever.” For some,this is unsettling. Growing up,girls are often taught to be co-operative,collaborative,not combative. Sure,those are great tools for any leader,but so too are assertiveness,ambition and the willingness to take on a fight. There are still parts of Australian society that are uncomfortable or downright disturbed when women seek to gain and use power.

When women rallied in the March 4 Justice in support of Brittany Higgins,whose alleged rape happened just metres from the Prime Minister’s office,Scott Morrison couldn’t cross the road to meet them. All he could muster was a statement that they were lucky to live in a country where they could protest without being shot. Thanks,pal.

But this isn’t a problem confined to the Prime Minister. Think of the women who have met institutional resistance,inbred sexism,or outright anger when they seek power and agency. Think of Liberals Julia Banks and Julie Bishop,the former Human Rights Commission president Gillian Triggs,Sudanese-Australian writer Yassmin Abdel-Magied,Indigenous law professor Larissa Behrendt,Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young – all women who speak out and seek power,and who still face a backlash.

We must teach our daughters that power is not a dirty word. Power is not about dominating;it is about delivering. Without it,we will change very little. With power – in our lives,in our homes,in our communities,in our politics – we can change women’s lives for the better. As women,we must back one another’s claims for power as legitimate.

On the day Gladys Berejiklian was elected leader of the NSW Liberal Party,the media hounded me to give her advice on what it would be like to be a female premier. I refused. Instead,I gave some advice to the media on how to cover women in politics. I said Berejiklian and I wouldn’t agree on much,but I advised the media to see her as a premier,first and foremost. That meant not focusing on what she wore or how she styled her hair,but rather what she did:scrutinise her policies,her decisions and her actions. Treat her as you would any man in the job. Because she had as much right to be premier as any man.

As it turns out,Berejiklian also has just as much capacity as any man to squander the job of premier. And that brings me to accountability. Women who seek power must never resile from accountability — to those we lead,to our consciences and to other women.

Many people in NSW were confused,angry or disappointed by Berejiklian’s resignation in the wake of the Independent Commission Against Corruption naming her as a person of interest. For some,it might seem depressing that NSW’s second female premier left office under a corruption scandal. Perhaps even a setback for feminism. I take a different view.

When it was revealed Berejiklian failed to declare her relationship with the former MP Daryl Maguire,she defended herself by saying he was a bad boyfriend who had broken her heart. Now she is under investigation not just for failing to disclose,but also for potential conflicts of interest in awarding taxpayer funds to Maguire’s seat. Her defence,essentially,has been that her emotions got the better of her. This is precisely the same sexist argument that men have used in years gone by to keep women out of leadership roles in business and politics.

Am I glad she has resigned for this reason? Hardly. It’s a blight on our democracy. And it risks being used as an example by those men who still want to deny women power. But power demands accountability,no matter who exercises that power. A female premier using sexist stereotypes about her gender risks unpicking decades of feminist progress. It does little for women’s empowerment.

I said women must back one another’s claims for power as legitimate. Indeed,I backed Berejiklian’s. But solidarity does not mean blind or unconditional support. Power and solidarity must align with that other requirement – accountability.

Kristina Keneally is the federal Labor spokeswoman for Home Affairs and Immigration and was NSW’s first female premier,from 2009 to 2011. This is an edited version of a speech she gave on Wednesday night to the Cumberland Women’s Forum.

Kristina Keneally is a Labor senator for NSW and a former NSW premier.

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