Neo-Nazi unmasked as former Young Liberal

On January 19,a propaganda video depicting three masked neo-Nazis burning an Aboriginal flag,performing Sieg Heil salutes and reciting a white supremacist manifesto began circulating on social media. The video was poorly filmed and produced,reeking of a desperate effort to gain publicity and followers for a new extremist group.

Yet it began to gain traction with mainstream news outlets,largely because it singled out Greens senator Lidia Thorpe,who is also Indigenous. The senator’s name,alongside a vicious racist slur,was written on a sign behind the men. Soon,terror experts were warning of the potential for the video to incite attacks or further harassment of Thorpe,a development the anonymous neo-Nazi propagandist who uploaded the video greeted with glee in subsequent online postings.

The group posted the video reading a statement before burning the flag. The Age has chosen not to show the racist slur included in the original video.

But this neo-Nazi,who uses the online alias “John Dixon”,also made a mistake. Among hundreds of vicious and violent online posts – including those referencing the Christchurch terrorist – he left a breadcrumb trail of clues pointing to his true identity.

These clues led to an Australian mobile phone number and an approximate home address in outer suburban Melbourne. Further data mining fully lifted John Dixon’s black mask:he is a Victorian man and former Melbourne University Young Liberals office holder named Stefan Eracleous.

A deep dive into Eracleous’s online posts,court cases and interactions with other neo-Nazis provides a case study of what ASIO’s director-general,Mike Burgess,warned this week is an expanding and deeply disturbing trend:the descent of young Australians – some as young as 13 – into extremism.

The reaction of police to the flag-burning video offers its own insights. It highlights the challenge for security agencies in responding to this growing pool of radicalised Australians whose conduct may not cross a legal line but who may be fanning the flames of civil unrest and violence. Law enforcement sources say this challenge is amplified by the sheer number of online videos and posts published by extremist figures that threaten politicians in the wake of every significant COVID-related announcement.

Stefan Eracleous on the campaign trail with former prime minister Tony Abbott in 2013.

Stefan Eracleous on the campaign trail with former prime minister Tony Abbott in 2013.Supplied

As Burgess put it on Wednesday,“it’s harder to get a sense of what is simply big talk and what is genuine planning for violence”. Correspondence sighted byThe AgeandThe Sydney Morning Herald reveals that federal police initially advised Thorpe they could do little about the video because,despite being offensive,it “does not appear to contain material which constitutes a criminal offence”.

“As the material has been posted on YouTube,which is owned by Google,the advised course of action is to follow the YouTube process for reporting inappropriate material,” the Australian Federal Police wrote to Thorpe’s office on January 21. The senator declined to comment.

Since then,Victorian counter-terror authorities have begun assessing the video and the AFP is also understood to be making further inquiries.

Assessing the threat posed by Eracleous – who is in his late 20s and no longer a Liberal Party member – and the small but loud minority of Australians who,online or at rallies,discuss hanging politicians and acquiring firearms,is now devouring huge police and intelligence resources.
According to Burgess,combatting rising radicalism should be viewed not only as a concern for security agencies but as a whole-of-society problem.

“As a nation,we need to reflect on why some teenagers are hanging Nazi flags and portraits of the Christchurch killer on their bedroom walls and why others are sharing beheading videos,” Burgess said in his annual threat assessment speech on Wednesday night.

Eracleous’ proclivity for extremity first emerged publicly in 2014,while he was serving as treasurer of the Melbourne University Young Liberals.

He was outed byThe Age andThe Sydney Morning Herald as one of a small group of Young Liberals posting highly offensive sexist and homophobic material. In one post,Eracleous described feminist author Germaine Greer,as a “lying f---ing c-m guzzling slut … and a union member”.

He left mainstream politics and disappeared from public view,spending the next few years mixing in Melbourne’s neo-Nazi scene. In 2019,court records reveal he hit the radar of Victoria Police’s counter-terror command intelligence unit. Eracleous was charged with using a carriage service to offend,but he avoided a criminal conviction in July 2020 by admitting to his offending as part of a program aimed at redirecting first-time offenders away from the criminal justice system.

“We need to reflect on why some teenagers are hanging Nazi flags and portraits of the Christchurch killer on their bedroom walls.”

Mike Burgess,ASIO director-general

The court case did not steer him away from radicalism. Rather,his online postings – using several aliases on encrypted platforms – became more extreme. After the Christchurch terror attack in March 2019,Eracleous began posting the number “51” in his messages as a sly nod to other neo-Nazis signalling his support of the attack,which left 51 people dead.

“Quick announcement. It’s my birthday today. Let’s celebrate by spamming 51,” Eracleous wrote in one online post.

In late 2020,his online footprints suggest Eracleous (who did not respond to repeated efforts to contact him) began mixing with the National Socialist Network. The NSN was Australia’s most active neo-Nazi group before two of its key leaders were arrested by police last year,around the same time its inner workings were exposed in a joint investigation byThe Age,The Sydney Morning Herald and60 Minutes.

Last March,just before these arrests and media exposure crippled the group,one of its leaders,Bradley Ingram,used an online alias to announce in an encrypted neo-Nazi forum that Eracleous was “now officially under the protection of the National Socialist Network”.

Eracleous’ dealings with the NSN almost certainly placed him again on the radar of state and federal security agencies,who regard the group as a key intelligence gathering target. Yet there is no evidence Eracleous or the NSN as a whole is considered a terror threat. While three of the group’s members or adherents are facing terror charges,the danger of the NSN – according to state and federal officials not authorised to speak publicly – is as an incubator for political violence.

Eracleous pictured in a recent online discussion with other neo-Nazis.

Eracleous pictured in a recent online discussion with other neo-Nazis.Supplied

These sources also describe the NSN as a disorganised,amateurish outfit,riven with internal conflicts. The reason Eracleous needed the group’s protection was that,according to social media posts,he had fallen out with other neo-Nazis.

A high proportion of the NSN’s members have also engaged in alleged criminal activity,drawing constant police attention and charges. Court records reveal that in the next month,two mid-ranking NSN members will face the Melbourne Magistrates Court over summary (less serious) criminal offences:Dean Lynch,for possessing a prohibited weapon,and another young Victorian man for family violence order breaches.

The charges point to the quiet strategy of NSW and Victorian police counter-terror commands to intensely monitor members of active neo-Nazi groups and seek to lay charges,no matter how minor,when they transgress the law.

Official sources also make clear that agencies don’t regard the threat posed by the neo-Nazi movement Eracleous is part of as comparable to that posed by groups such as Islamic State. “Most of these NSN guys are blowhards,” says one security source. Still,this doesn’t discount the intense fear they can cause those they troll on video and posts,including female politicians.

ASIO director-general Mike Burgess says radicalism is rising in Australia.

ASIO director-general Mike Burgess says radicalism is rising in Australia.Alex Ellinghausen

In his Wednesday address to political and security leaders and the media,Burgess said that while his agency’s terror case load had dropped,radicalism in Australia was rising. “Some Australians believe the government’s approach to vaccinations and lockdowns infringed their freedoms. And in a small number of cases,grievance turned to violence,” he said.

If Eracleous is your typical suburban neo-Nazi,the assortment of groups who participated in the recent protests outside the nation’s parliaments cover the political spectrum,with concerns ranging from lockdowns to paedophiles and other QAnon-style conspiracies.

Policing briefings about one of the most active groups,Sovereign Citizens,sighted by this masthead state its members aren’t considered a terror threat. The group believes the power of the state is illegitimate and has recently escalated a campaign involving attending police stations to deliver arrest warrants that name politicians.

Yet the briefings also make clear that concern some members could cross over into violence requires policing vigilance. At least two Sovereign Citizens have recently been arrested,one over an alleged “incitement to deprive liberty” and another for firearms offensives.

The White Rose Society,an anti-fascist research group that engages in deep internet dives to uncover and document extremist behaviour,has recently analysed hundreds of posts and videos uploaded by key members or affiliates of the Sovereign Citizens. Along with the bizarre conspiracy theories they peddle are consistent references to acquiring guns,liaising with veterans or police with firearms experience and using violence as a means of political expression.

In a Zoom chat this month,one of the group’s affiliates was recorded saying that “peaceful is lawful,but sometimes you need a sophisticated application of force”. Another extremist influencer responded:“that’s what we’re organising ... only if everything else fails.”

A small number of politicians also appear willing to legitimise extremists. This week,federal politician Craig Kelly escorted a notoriousright-wing extremist figure,Simeon Boikov,into Federal Parliament. Boikov leads a far-right Russian nationalist group in Australia and,according to official sources,has been on the intelligence services’ radar since at least 2014.

To date,the various extremist groups seeking to recruit and radicalise more Australians appear to have had limited success in signing up military veterans. White Rose has identified nine ex-military members who have recently played key roles in extremist groups agitating for political insurrection. This targeting of veterans is not anywhere near the scale of American militia and far-right cells,but is still deeply concerning to ASIO and the Australian Defence Force,which has increased its vetting of members to identify budding extremists.

Security agencies hope some agitators will lose motivation with the relaxing of pandemic-linked restrictions,although a new wave of infections or other international events,such as conflict in Ukraine (where neo-Nazi militias seek to recruit foreign fighters) could help radicalise more Australians.

Says Burgess:“We assess that these tensions and the associated possibility of violence will persist.”

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Nick McKenzie is an Age investigative journalist who has twice been named the Graham Perkin Australian Journalist of the Year. A winner of 14 Walkley Awards,he investigates politics,business,foreign affairs,human rights and criminal justice.

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