Cost to taxpayers of Opal cardholders dodging fares hits $10m

The state government is losing out on millions of dollars in revenue each year from passengers using a loophole in the Opal ticketing system,despite attempts to curb fare evasion.

While the amount the government failed to collect this year fell,an audit shows the total revenue lost to passengers tapping off with negative balances on their Opal cards has surpassed $10 million since the introduction of the electronic ticketing system.

Passengers are continuing to tap off and allowing their Opal cards to go into negative balances.

Passengers are continuing to tap off and allowing their Opal cards to go into negative balances.Michele Mossop

A report by NSW Auditor-General Margaret Crawford has urged the state's transport agency to take further measures to stem the loss of revenue.

In the year to June,$2.9 million in revenue was not collected due to negative balances on Opal cards,compared with $3.8 million the prior year. Revenue from an unregistered Opal card cannot be collected unless the holder tops it up.

The continued loss of ticket revenue comes despite Transport for NSW making it harder for people to exploit the system. Atechnology upgrade in January means passengers with negative balances are forced to add credit to their Opal cards at top-up machines inside train stations at Sydney Airport before they can pass through ticket gates.

Passengers buying Opal cards at the airport stations also need a minimum of $35 on their cards.

The stations at the domestic and international terminals had been where much of the revenue lost from passengers disposing of cards with negative balances had been occurring.

Labor's transport spokesman Chris Minns said there was a leak in the payment system that the government had to plug.

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"Failing to fix this part of the payment system will have a continuing and negative effect on the network's balance sheet,"he said.

Transport for NSW said it was"continually working on solutions to reduce revenue loss"but noted fare evasion had more than halved since the introduction of the Opal system.

"While most people are doing the right thing,there are still some commuters who travel without sufficient funds on their Opal card,"it said.

The report also shows crowding on Sydney's buses has worsened over the last year. Almost 9700 services left commuters behind in the year to June because buses were full,up from 8801 in the year prior. The majority of buses too full to pick up passengers were in western Sydney such as Parramatta and Liverpool,and the city's north west.

Transport for NSW said almost $25 million has been allocated for 2850 extra services this financial year,of which almost 2000 would run on routes in Sydney's north west and south west.

Ahead of theopening of Sydney's light rail line next month,the Auditor-General also demanded the transport agency"improve transparency of costs and budgets".

Crowding on Sydney's buses has worsened.

Crowding on Sydney's buses has worsened.Louise Kennerley

"Transport[for NSW] should have the detailed costings of the[light rail] project available to update budgets and costs regularly,"her report said.

The cost to taxpayers of the 12.7-kilometre light rail line hasballooned to at least $2.9 billion – $1.3 billion above the amount first budgeted.

The Auditor-General has begun another performance audit of the light rail project,which is expected to be completed by the middle of next year.

She also plans to carry out another performance audit of the $16.8 billion WestConnex toll road project. The total value of claims received by the state from contractors and other parties for unforeseen planning conditions,environmental matters and those relating to compulsory land acquisitions for WestConnex hit $239 million this year.

Matt O'Sullivan is transport and infrastructure editor at The Sydney Morning Herald.

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