'Gay guys don’t do graffiti':Roxy loses AVO bid against Bitcoin trader

Publicist Roxy Jacenko has failed a court bid to obtain a restraining order against a patron she clashed with at a glossy event after a magistrate found her claims of being in fear of the flamboyant businessman were"grossly exaggerated","hollow and unpersuasive".

The reality television star,who also accused Bitcoin trader Anthony Hess of spray painting"Roxy is a c---"on the outside of her Paddington business,left the Downing Centre Local Court in Sydney in tears on Thursday,while the Melbourne businessman emerged slinging insults at his former"idol".

This confrontation between Roxy Jacenko and businessman Anthony Hess was played in court.

"Gay guys don't do graffiti,"Mr Hess said outside court.

Denying the act of vandalism while in the witness box earlier,Mr Hess said"that's not my style".

"I'm not a graffiti artist ... I'm your typical,friendly gay guy,"he said.

Employing the services of former Supreme Court judge,Greg James,QC,Ms Jacenko sought an apprehended violence order against Mr Hess,claiming he was"screaming and ranting"at her as she was about to go on stage at her $500-a-head event at The Ivy in February 2019.

Melbourne businessman Anthony Hess.

Melbourne businessman Anthony Hess.Renee Nowytarger

Mr Hess was grilled over multiple Instagram posts about Ms Jacenko and her husband,Oliver Curtis,previously jailed for insider trading,including one that joked the sentencing judge"must take into consideration time spent married to Roxy".

Under questioning over the posts,Mr Hess responded,"You're not in the age of Instagram,in the age of memes and joking around ... I think you're just not in touch with what's going on."

Magistrate Allison Hawkins said Mr Hess's repertoire was undignified,though did not satisfy cause for an AVO.

"The posts demonstrate in my finding that Mr Hess is an individual who lacks social graces,is puerile and juvenile in nature,"she said.

Graffiti sprayed on the wall of Roxy Jacenko's Paddington office.

Graffiti sprayed on the wall of Roxy Jacenko's Paddington office.Andrew Hornery

Ms Hawkins said Ms Jacenko's claim of being left in fear after the confrontation with Mr Hess at the event wasn't born out by the"objective"evidence of the footage that captured the interaction,which she described as nothing more than a"consumer dispute"in which Ms Jacenko appeared to be"remonstrating"Mr Hess.

"She did not appeared to be alarmed,scared or shocked,and seemed to be well in control of the situation,"Ms Hawkins said.

But Mr Hess said he was in tears after being verbally attacked by Ms Jacenko,who he said"came at me like a steam train".

"By the time I got outside I was bawling my eyes out,"he said.

Angus Thompson is a federal workplace,education and migration reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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