‘Now we know who really runs NSW’:Business as usual for state’s big clubs

Illustration:Cathy Wilcox

Illustration:Cathy Wilcox

Regardless of the NSW Crime Commission’s recent report exposing the laundering of proceeds of crime through the pokies and the recommendation of cashless cards,it’s business as usual for ClubsNSW and the Australian Hotels’ Association (“Gaming reform bill to be dropped”,November 1). Nothing’s going to stand between them and their eye watering profits,even if it is based on criminal activity and financial suffering. And our politicians? They just go along for the ride,and if not,they simply get shunted aside. At least we know who really runs NSW. Unfortunately,it’s not the politicians we voted for.Elisabeth Goodsall,Wahroonga

Twenty-five years ago,as CEO of the NSW Council of Social Service,I witnessed the influence of Clubs NSW and the Australian Hotels Association in stopping the Carr government from genuinely minimising harm through limiting the reel speeds of poker machines. Nothing has changed in NSW since that time. The same low socio-economic communities still provide the majority of profits to gaming machine operators. Both the Coalition and Labor tremble before the power of clubs and pubs. Perhaps if the true fiscal costs of entrenched and growing problem gambling were measured against NSW tax revenue from the pokies in 2022,then both the major political parties might find the gumption to act responsibly with genuine reform of the industry’s largesse.Gary Moore,Blackheath

Illustration:John Shakespeare

Illustration:John Shakespeare

The so-called solution to help problem gamblers through the use of facial recognition was always nothing more than a cynical marketing ploy by NSW pubs and clubs. Subsequent governments of both political persuasions have developed the same disease – a progressive addiction that mightn’t come with a feel-good dose of dopamine,but is,nevertheless,a dependence on tax revenue raised at the cost of serious negative social repercussions. NSW has more than half of Australia’s poker machines and loses more money per person to gambling than any other jurisdiction in the world. Relying on problem gamblers to self-exclude themselves is a cop out. We must remove gambling money out of politics. The gaming industry mustn’t be allowed to thrive by inflicting harm on vulnerable people and communities.Jack Dikian,Mosman

Yes,drop the bill:we wouldn’t want to offend the club industry on the eve of an election. We have huffed and puffed over money laundering in casinos and showed them we kind-of mean business,but the club industry? That is different. We are not going to interfere with their accumulation of enormous wealth,and a cashless gaming card may also reduce the losses on poker machines by compulsive gamblers,the poor souls on whom our club industry relies so heavily.Michael McMullan,Avoca Beach

What a gutless pair the premier and opposition leader are. Both know the consequences of continuing the pokies status quo yet neither has the fortitude to take on the NSWClubs lobby. What a farce. In showing their true colours they both open themselves up to more teals taking seats off them in the 2023 elections.Ian Ferrier,Long Jetty

In the light of the latest capitulation,it is fair to ask who really runs our state:the Perrottet government or ClubsNSW?Mark Paskal,Austinmer

How US military facility endangers Australia

Australia plays a risky game in the US’s confected conflict with China (“Top End US B-52 bombers a ‘unified front’ against China”,November 1). Allowing the US to develop hangers for six nuclear-capable B-52 bombers plus a “squadron operations facility” and an adjoining maintenance workshop at Tindal air base in the NT endangers all Australians. The US claims its ability to deploy bombers from Australia puts adversaries on notice that they can project lethal power in the region. China counters that it may trigger an arms race. This potential escalation of tension in the region is happening at the same time as the Royal Australian Air Force argues it is evolving and modernising by enabling members to have facial hair from November 1. The juxtaposition would be laughable if it weren’t so serious.Meg Pickup,Ballina

I first became aware of the B-52 when it featured in the Stanley Kubrick film,Dr Strangelove or:How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb,made in 1964. The Stratofortress first took to the air in 1952,during the depths of the Cold War. Parking these 70-year-old antiques in northern Australia as a defence measure doesn’t inspire confidence. Let’s all hope that this exercise doesn’t finish like the movie – not a happy ending.Glenn Johnson,Leura

The Tindal base,within the range of Chinese missiles,must now be considered a primary target if tensions between China and the US over Taiwan escalate to armed conflict. Pine Gap’s “spy” facility must already be a target. More immediately,might China put more damaging sanctions on trade? Will our relations with our most important trading nation be devastated?Brian O’Donnell,Burradoo

A US B-52 bomber.

A US B-52 bomber.AP

In stationing USA B-52 bombers in our country,capable of carrying “nuclear explosive devices”,again following a US-led expedition into provoking China into being our enemy,are we not painting a big fat target on our peaceful country’s forehead for China to see?Fred Jansohn,Rose Bay

Australia’s acquiescence to the US undermines a decades long global effort to reduce and eliminate nuclear weapons while doing little to discourage Putin’s nuclear posturing in Ukraine. The need to be wary of a hawkish China is a given,hosting another nation’s nuclear weapons is not. That it is in our interests to align politically with a democratic US,accepted,aligning with their nuclear strategy is not. The tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the damaging nuclear meltdowns of Chernobyl and Fukushima should not be forgotten.

To say no to nuclear weapons is not an act of weakness,unpatriotic or appeasement,it is an act of moral rectitude that speaks to the higher nature of humankind. The ALP,long bastions against nuclear madness and the doctrine of mutually assured destruction,appear to have misplaced their nuclear moral compass to our collective detriment.Kevin Parker,Bowral

Trail of ruined streetscapes

An artist’s impression of a pedestrianised section of Hunter Street between George and Pitt streets in Sydney’s CBD.

An artist’s impression of a pedestrianised section of Hunter Street between George and Pitt streets in Sydney’s CBD.City of Sydney

Hindsight is a wonderful thing (“More Sydney CBD streets earmarked to become car-free zones”,November 1). Having approved destructive overdevelopment of our urban environments such as the CBD,Chatswood,Parramatta,Hurstville,Barangaroo and so on with excessive banal high-rise towers,windswept canyons,shadowed sunless streets,awning-less narrowed,cluttered footpaths,eight-carriage tram behemoths,the usual enchanting hippie-happy leafy computer-generated prettification simply doesn’t cut it anymore. Planning has lost its mojo. Time to rethink our urban nightmares — the sunny uplands beckon.Lionel Glendenning,Russell Lea

The artist’s impressions of the proposed new developments in the Sydney CBD show scattered trees protruding from large paved areas. This is a recipe for worsening the heat island effect that for many years will become worse until the world slows and,hopefully,stops global heating. Concrete jungles like the CBD can be made more bearable for pedestrians only by establishing adequate grass and tree cover or “green space”. Unfortunately,Canberra,the alleged “bush capital”,is headed down the same path.Douglas Mackenzie,Deakin (ACT)

Border failure fury

If it wasn’t enough for the Coalition when in government to be deliberately cruel to refugees and asylum seekers in the sham name of “keeping our borders safe”,we now find that they have made our borders clearly far less safe by their failure to act on advice clearly given. This allowed the exploitation of vulnerable people such as the women being peddled as sex slaves while criminals act with impunity (“Fake visas for sale at $500 a month”,November 1). Do they know no shame? Their cynicism and laziness knows no bounds. It makes my blood boil.Charmain Brinks, Newcastle

Care,not contempt

Your writer says “it is important that the women are held accountable for their actions and face legal action from the state they turned their backs on” (“Repatriated IS women should be held accountable”,November 1). Precisely how or why the legal system should have to deal with women suborned or bullied into sexual servitude to satisfy the appetites of their ISIS partners is beyond me. This populist post-Morrison/Dutton scare-mongering needs a dose of compassion. A handful of traumatised women rescued from the horrors of a Syrian camp don’t strike me as the logical focus of our security concerns.Ian Harrison,Drummoyne

Sport of blings

Andrew Webster has contributed a thoughtful and balanced analysis of contemporary horse racing (“The truths Cup critics don’t want to consider”,November 1). Where we differ is that he continues to refer to it as a “sport” when,in truth,it is a business. The breeding of thoroughbreds,training and racing the few that are fast,the associated gambling plus the supporting services and infrastructure,are all commercial enterprises. Horse racing should be reported in the business sections of our newspapers,not alongside the genuine sports that require human strength,agility and tactical skills.David Salter,Hunters Hill

Happy hindsight

As Peter Hartcher says,we can learn from the collapse of US democracy (“Lessons of an American tragedy”,November 1). I was surprised to read that Australia is the world’s fourth-biggest source of QAnon conspiracy materials,but to put it in language appropriate for Melbourne Cup week,it’s a safe bet that Australian democracy will survive. Hartcher sees the safeguards for our electoral system as compulsory voting,building on the success of our multiculturalism,avoiding any lapse into gross inequality and civilising social media. Australia has the benefit of seeing the result of America’s performance on these issues.James Moore,Kogarah

Tax talk vexing

NSW Opposition Leader Chris Minns is walking a political tightrope over land tax versus stamp duty (“Labor vows to ditch land tax if elected”,November 1). With an election so close,why would he promise to reinstate the status quo and make all home buyers pay the hefty upfront tax? In the end,a tax is a tax,so surely the sensible move would be to provide an alternative policy to take to the electorate. Strange indeed.Michael Blissenden,Dural

Time for big questions

The discussion about the NAPLAN results that identified poor reading outcomes among boys is timely and welcome (Letters,November 1). Education of children and young people is one of the most important things a society does. However,it almost seems that two fundamental questions have not been asked and are not regularly asked again. What outcomes does Australian society want the education systems to produce? Exactly how will those outcomes be achieved? These are complex questions,but we won’t get anywhere until we answer them clearly. Reacting to particular issues and trying to fix this or that bit won’t work.Tom Mangan,Woy Woy Bay

A teacher’s lot

What exactly does the policy experts think that experienced teachers do (“$150,000 salaries on cards for top teachers”,November 1)? The extra responsibilities listed such as “opening their classroom for observation,supervising teaching students and early career teachers” and (shock,horror!) “developing lesson plans” are just part of the daily grind of extra duties already undertaken by experienced teachers. If these are to be the requirements for hefty pay increases,bring it on. Most teachers would already easily qualify to receive the maximum on offer. Once again it is evident that the bureaucracy has little idea of what actually happens in public schools.Peter Cooper-Southam, Frenchs Forest

Money machine

I see the usual merry-go-round is starting up as some private educators try to take advantage of the government’s $4.5 billion childcare subsidy program (“Childcare provider calls for 10% pay rise to retain staff”,November 1). So glad Early Childhood Australia has committed to explore multi-employer bargaining. If private providers can’t run a business with funds provided and without squeezing parents,NSW will have to follow Victoria’s example and make early childhood education free and available to all like primary schools.Jenny Forster,Manly


Goodonya,mate (“To Australia,thank you from all Ukrainians”,November 1).James Mahoney,McKellar (ACT)

Cross reference

Biblicisms can work the other way. The inscription on Jesus’ cross is often shown as its Latin acronym:INRI. A drawing by a student of mine had NRMA (Letters,November 1).Susan Connelly,Lakemba

All action,no talk

Your correspondent Peter Butler obviously enjoyed his “first time at the ballet” (Letters,November 1). I remember my first – and last – time at the ballet too. The dancing was really good,but I couldn’t hear one word of the dialogue.Kent Mayo,Uralla

Game plan pays off

Well played,Visit Victoria (“Netball Australia recoup $15m lost in collapsed Rinehart deal”,November 1). Your goal attack has scored the win with a brilliant strategic play,and the netball community and its supporters celebrate.Wendy Atkins,Cooks Hill

Trout and about

I had to get out my book of maps to find Bowling Alley Point following a letter from a resident (Letters,November 1). For your information,the town has approximately 30 inhabitants and is in the Tamworth region. It is 26 kilometres to the Dag Sheep Station and 30 kilometres to the Drunken Trout Cafe. Worth a visit I reckon.Lyn Savage,Coogee

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday onsmh.com.au
Labor should stick with stage three tax cuts,but on one condition
From Jim Brockmire:″⁣It’s the deductions that are destroying the revenue collection:Franking credits,negative gearing,home office deductions,even laundry allowance. Scrap these and we could all pay 35 per cent tax and 10 per cent GST and be done with it.″⁣

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