‘The guy’s never met me’:Dawson’s angry phone call about journalist

Former Sydney teacher Chris Dawson blasted investigative journalist Hedley Thomas in a taped phone call played in court,in which his twin brother claimed the reporter had positioned himself as “prosecutor,judge and jury”.

The phone tap was played on Wednesday afternoon in the NSW Supreme Court,where Dawson,73,is on trial for murdering his first wife,Lynette Dawson,who vanished from Sydney’s northern beaches in January 1982. He was arrested and charged in December 2018 and has pleaded not guilty.

Chris Dawson outside the NSW Supreme Court this week.

Chris Dawson outside the NSW Supreme Court this week.Nick Moir

Chris Dawson called twin Paul Dawson at 9.13pm on September 9,2018,after Thomas appeared that night in an episode of Nine’s60 Minutesabout the cold case,during which he described Dawson as a “despicable person”,“severely narcissistic” and “dangerous”.

Thomas is behindThe Australian’s Walkley Award-winning podcastThe Teacher’s Pet,released in May 2018,about Dawson,Lynette and the couple’s babysitter,known as JC.

“The guy’s never met me,” Chris said in the call.

Hedley Thomas released his podcast,The Teacher’s Pet,in 2018.

Hedley Thomas released his podcast,The Teacher’s Pet,in 2018.Oscar Colman

Paul Dawson said Thomas had “set himself up as a prosecutor,judge and jury”. He suggested Chris call their older brother,Peter Dawson,who is a solicitor.

“Don’t forget we’re being taped,” he said in a separate call later that night.

Chris replied:“Hedley,you’re a f---ing wanker. If police want to pass that on to Hedley Thomas,he’s a wanker.”

Paul said Thomas had “decided” Chris was guilty,and it was “f---ing ridiculous that they go on TV and tell these lies like that”.

“He’s going to have you convicted by the media,” he said.

Thomas accepted under cross-examination this week that he had never met Dawson,but was asked on the program for his “personal opinion”,based on coronial findings,thousands of pages of documents he read and interviews he conducted.

He acknowledged he had expressed himself strongly,and “probably wouldn’t do that again”.

“I don’t think you need to meet somebody to form a view about them,” Thomas said. “That ... was my view,and it hasn’t changed.”

A woman,who was the Dawsons’ babysitter before JC,also appeared on the September 2018 program and alleged he had once flicked a tea towel across Lynette’s back over a dirty glass.

The womanhas given evidence at Dawson’s trial claiming Lynette “made a sound,like of pain” and she “could see her flinch”.

In the call to his brother,Chris said the kitchen allegation was “so f---ing bullshit”.

Paul said:“She said,‘I chose not to go back’.”

“We didn’t get[her] back because she’s a bloody hopeless babysitter,” Chris replied,adding that it was “so much” screen time for someone who had babysat twice and his “girls didn’t take to”.

Defence barrister Pauline David tendered 50 minutes of telecommunication intercepts between Dawson and others,taken from “a period of almost 20 years”,beginning in 1999.

In other calls,the brothers spoke about “biased” reports,claimed that JC had “more to gain” than Dawson and said “the same old stuff had been dragged out again”.

The Crown is expected to close its case on Thursday in the trial before Justice Ian Harrison.

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Sarah McPhee is a court reporter with The Sydney Morning Herald.

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