Zoos get animals used to humans again as they practice their lions

NSW’s zookeepers are holding rehearsals – so everyone knows their lions – and mimicking the interaction zoo animals will face when zoos reopen from Monday to vaccinated humans after four months of isolation.

They are also being cautious about protecting zoo animals from COVID-19,believed to be a zoonotic disease which jumped from animals to humans. It has bounced back from humans to infect zoo animals including bears,tigers and other animals across the world,including the United States and China.

Chad Staples with seven-year-old koala Archer at Featherdale Sydney Wildlife Park in Doonside.

Chad Staples with seven-year-old koala Archer at Featherdale Sydney Wildlife Park in Doonside.James Brickwood

There are no known animal cases in Australia. But local experts are monitoring overseas cases and the results of an experimental vaccine exclusively for animals being tested in American zoos.

Zookeeper Chad Staples has been running rehearsals anywhere where visitors come in contact with animals at the zoos he manages,including Featherdale Sydney Wildlife Park in Blacktown,Hunter Valley Zoo and Mogo Zoo on NSW’s South Coast. All will reopen on Monday.

“We have had zookeepers – and anyone else we can – wears civvies and pretend to be visitors,” he said. “We are trying to mimic true interaction with visitors.”

This included rehearsing encounters with small primates,tigers and giraffes where small groups of visitors are given closer access. “We can’t go live straight away,” said Mr Staples. “It is a transition,but one[the animals] don’t mind if taken slowly because they are given food,and love and adoration.”

The people-watching was something they missed. “We are watching them,and they are watching us:We can be very entertaining,” said Mr Staples.

Taronga Zoo in Sydney will give its zoo friends early access on some days over the next week to “allow the animals to readjust to having guests on site” before it reopens to the public on October 18 along with its zoo at Dubbo.

Overseas zoo animals have contracted coronavirus,but there has been “no knowledge” of any transmission or any cases of COVID-19 in a zoo animal in Australia,the executive director of the Zoo and Aquarium Association (ZAA) Nicola Craddock said.

In April 2020,Australian zoos introduced strong protocols around biosecurity,the use of social distancing,and the wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE) including masks. “At this point there is no concern that these[measurers] are inadequate,” Ms Craddock said.

“Zookeepers are wearing masks,keepers are wearing masks. Anywhere you are keeping social distance from people,the animal carers are keeping social distance from their animals as well.”

Ms Craddock said the association’s expert advisory group was carefully watching the results of the COVID-19 vaccine for animals,and monitoring the spread of the disease at zoos overseas.

The National Geographicand other publications have reported a number of zoo animals,including tigers,lions and gorillas,have contracted the virus. Two lions died at a zoo in India after testing positive for COVID-19.

About 27 US zoos are vaccinating the animals most at risk – including the great apes and big cats – using an experimental COVID-19 vaccine donated by pharmaceutical company Zoetis.

The Oakland Zoo in California,as well as being a vaccination hub for human residents,has vaccinated 48 animals including hyenas,chimpanzees,and mountain lions with at least one dose.

Zoo staff are fully vaccinated,but the zoo didn’t know whether the Delta strain would increase the risk of transmission to animals,Alex Herman,vice president of veterinary services at the Oakland Zoo toldNational Geographic.It hadn’t detected symptoms of COVID-19 in its animals,but “we knew our animals were at risk”.

Mr Staples said zookeepers at his three zoos would continue to wear masks and practice social distancing when caring and feeding the animals.

He said there was no talk of vaccinating zoo animals in Australia. “That’s not to say we wouldn’t ... But I don’t think it will be on the radar until people are done. It would be hard to swallow if we are looking after animals before people,” he said.

At Taronga,five lion cubs born during lockdown,the first at the zoo since 2003,won’t be on show until the end of the year.

Taronga Conservation Society Australia’s chief executive and the president of ZAA,Cameron Kerr,said the animals would be watching visitors return.

“Many of our animals,like chimpanzees and giraffe,have a good view of the visitors and are engaged by their movement and chatter daily ... We expect Taronga’s more perceptive animals to be aware when guests return and adjust as we gradually go back to normal.”

A spokesperson for the company said the Zoetis COVID-19 vaccine for animals has been authorised for experimental use on a case by case basis in the United States. “There are no plans at this stage to begin the process of registration in Australia,however the situation will be closely monitored and may be reviewed in future.”

Australia’s biosecurity laws make approving foreign-made vaccines a long and expensive process.

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Julie Power is a senior reporter at The Sydney Morning Herald.

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