Pandemic secrecy pushed Australians towards their premiers

Until this pandemic,the development of public health policy in Australia had never been subordinate to national security processes. It was just one bad sign.

Adjunct Professor Bill Bowtell fronts a Senate select committee hearing on COVID-19,June 2020.

Adjunct Professor Bill Bowtell fronts a Senate select committee hearing on COVID-19,June 2020.Alex Ellinghausen

As the first reports of a new virus came out of China in November and December 2019,I took more than a passing interest in what was going on. Through my involvement with HIV/AIDS,I had seen the chaos which engulfed communities and governments around the world as they struggled to make sense of the sudden emergence of a new and deadly disease.

Politicisation of the HIV response had transformed a serious but manageable problem into a global pandemic. When COVID-19 emerged,I assumed that the work of those times would have been built on. The Australian public health system had responded superbly to HIV/AIDS and to every viral threat and challenge since then.

But at the back of my mind,I had my doubts.

Health Minister Greg Hunt (left),Prime Minister Scott Morrison and then Chief Medical Officer Professor Brendan Murphy in March 2020.

Health Minister Greg Hunt (left),Prime Minister Scott Morrison and then Chief Medical Officer Professor Brendan Murphy in March 2020.Alex Ellinghausen

During January 2020,while visiting London,I followed the emerging response of the British government to the news from China. There seemed to be little concern or urgency,even as the scope of the emergency widened dramatically. There was,for example,no interest in restricting or stopping travel from China into the United Kingdom. Media reports explained that the reason for this otherwise inexplicably passive approach was that the UK government was basing its response onthe principles of herd immunity.

The combination of general herd immunity,development of annual vaccines and wide immunisation generally keeps rates of illness and deaths from influenza at very low levels,depending on the severity of annual strains. But from my experience of HIV/AIDS,I knew there is a great difference between the viruses that cause influenza,SARS1 and HIV.

Herd immunity requires exposure of an entire population to a virus. For long-established viruses such as influenza we have vaccines that,over time,are administered and build up this herd immunity. New strains require new vaccines,but these are administered into a population with general immunity and therefore transmission rates,illnesses and deaths are kept low.

So by definition,there can be no herd immunity for a highly contagious new virus like COVID-19.

On April 19,2020,The Times of Londonpublished a report into the early months of the UK government’s response. It stated that “all of the planning was for pandemic flu” and made it clear that key advisers were,from the end of January,“absolutely focused” on herd immunity. They rejected the Asian view that the disease was along the lines of SARS,which required an immediate lockdown.

By the first week of February,when I returned to Australia,it was obvious that COVID-19 had spread into major cities in Asia. Recalling the days of SARS1,I expected that,in transit through Singapore and on arrival in Sydney,I would encounter the same sorts of measures that had been taken at the time of SARS1 to deal with coronavirus. Indeed,on arrival at Singapore,passengers on my flight were temperature-checked both on disembarking the London flight and leaving for Sydney.

Surprisingly,no such measures were in place at Sydney Airport. Was this just a matter of the bureaucracy taking a few days to catch up with the realities of a very fast-moving situation? Or was it a matter of policy?

On February 7,the Australian Department of Health released theAustralian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). At first glance,it appeared to be comprehensive and well considered.

But on my second reading,I began to wonder if it might not be a plan for the wrong virus. On the very first page of the plan,the executive summary spoke of the threat of pandemic influenza. Nowhere was there a clear statement that COVID-19 was in fact very different to the influenza virus and it might therefore require a very different set of responses. Even more disturbingly,the term “proportionate” was used repeatedly to characterise the Australian pandemic response.

“Proportionate” meant letting the virus in and only then dealing with its effects. “Proportionate” is not prevention.

During February,the world was transfixed by the unedifying spectacle of theDiamond Princess. The cruise ship had docked in Yokohama with some cases of COVID-19 infection among its 3700 passengers and crew. However,the Japanese authorities obliged the passengers and crew to stay on the vessel for a two-week quarantine. Completely predictably,confining all those on board meant that the infection spread throughout the vessel.

The vulnerability of cruise ships to coronavirus and the threat that it posed to passengers,crew and healthcare workers prompted the government of Taiwan to cease all cruise ship calls and activity in its waters from February 6.

Apparently ignoring the wisdom of this decision,Australian authorities made no move to stop cruise ships calling at local ports. Many public health experts privately shared my concern and dismay. I was told their views had been expressed to responsible senior officers in the Commonwealth and state departments of health. They had also been expressed to at least some of those who had been appointed to the so-called Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC).

The AHPPC comprised the Commonwealth,state and territory chief medical officers and others. However,beyond these ex-officio appointments,the other members of the AHPPC were not disclosed. Other subcommittees had been constituted but their memberships were also secret. I have been around long enough in Australian politics to know one thing about secrecy. If the membership,proceedings and advice of committees are kept secret,it is because those who establish such bodies seek to avoid responsibility and accountability for their decisions and advice.

The development of public health policy in Australia had never before been subordinate to the national security processes of the Australian government. But now,the entire structure of the AHPPC’s advice had been constituted under the National Security Committee of Cabinet.

A culture of secrecy is completely antithetical to the notion of public health policymaking and implementation. Over that February,there should have been a full and open debate about the plans proposed by the Australian government to deal with COVID-19.

In fact,the Australian medical advisers had settled on a small group of ‘peer’ countries with whom they were in regular contact,the most important of which were Britain and the United States. Collectively,they appeared to be working together and responding as if the threat was from influenza rather than something akin to SARS. There was a settled belief that there was no need for en-masse testing to detect asymptomatic carriers,no need to proceed to general lockdown arrangements and no need to mandate the use of masks or stringent social distancing measures.

On March 6,2020,The Sydney Morning Herald published my op-ed “Our HIV Lesson:Exclude Politicians and Trust the Experts - and the People - to Confront Coronavirus”. The core of my argument was that public mobilisation around prevention was far preferable to waiting to see what happened,and only then to act. Slow and proportionate measures after the virus had arrived could never be as effective as stopping the virus at the borders. It was better not to let it in,but if it did enter,we had to take every necessary step to smash it.

The next large-scale gathering attracting both domestic and international visitors was the Australian Formula One Grand Prix,scheduled to be held over the weekend of March 14-15 in Melbourne. The battle lines were drawn between the commercial and media interests who insisted that the event proceed,and a wide range of independent experts who wanted it cancelled. The federal government and its advisers took the side of the organisers,wishing for it to go ahead,even though this made no public health sense. On his arrival in Melbourne,even star racing driverLewis Hamilton expressed his astonishment and concern that the grand prix was on,not off. Finally,on the morning of Friday,March 13,after ticket-holders had been waiting two hours for the gates to open,Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews did the right thing andcancelled the event.

After announcing a mass gathering ban in March 2020,Prime Minister Scott Morrison defends his decision to watch his "beloved Sharks" play that weekend.

Politics is the art of splitting the difference,compromise and putting off decisions likely to be unpopular. But the tension between the imperatives of public health and party politics cannot be resolved by splitting the difference.

On Friday,March 13,Prime Minister Scott Morrison attempted to minimise the news of the grand prix cancellation by declaring that he would,the next day,beattending a National Rugby League match in suburban Sydney.

Later that evening,Morrison backtracked. Why was it right to commit to attending the game in the afternoon but decide not to attend it only hours later?

In contrast to the uncertainty that had engulfed the federal government’s public statements,the Australian business community had begun to move definitively. From mid-February,many large Australian businesses and institutions began to allow staff to work from home.

The aim of creating one national strategic response to coronavirus broke down on March 22,when the premiers of NSW and Victoria forced the national lockdown on an unwilling and reluctant federal government.

The success of the March-May lockdown was down to the common sense and good judgement of the Australian people,channelled for the most part properly and well through the political leaders who were closest to them:the premiers and chief ministers.

No doubt to the astonishment of the AHPPC and the federal government,the one preventive measure that had never featured in their planning - the lockdown - was the one thing that worked splendidly to avert the catastrophe that,by March 22,they expected was unavoidable.

The scale of the health and economic packagesannounced in March 2020 demonstrated that the government had expected the worst. But by excluding so-called gig-economy workers and obliging them to raid their retirement savings to survive,the government exacerbated a public health problem that would soon become apparent in Victoria.

The Victorian public health system was organised around individual hospitals and not,as in NSW,around more diverse,community-based Local Health Districts. In 2017–18,Australian health expenditure was $185 billion,including health spending by governments,individuals,insurers and other private sources. In that period,all Australian state and territory governments spent approximately 1 per cent of that figure - $1.39 billion - on public health,with the Victorian government accounting for just $400 million of that.

The chronic underfunding of public health meant that Victoria entered the pandemic lacking a large,well-organised and trained public health workforce able to rapidly assume responsibility for implementing the scaling up of contact tracing,testing and quarantine surveillance and monitoring. NSW had built on the public health structures established in response to HIV/AIDS. Victoria had let them atrophy. It is extremely difficult to rebuild such structures when an emergency has already begun.

The inability of the Victorian Government to deal with resurgent infections was compounded by the emergence of a deeply irresponsible partisan political campaign under the rubric ‘Freedom Day’. The campaign asserted that the lockdown had been a gross overreaction to the actual threat posed by coronavirus and an infringement of individuals’ liberty. It provided an umbrella for several lines of attack on the lockdown strategy. First,academics and scientists aligned with the AHPPC strategy continued to claim that,as in Sweden,the spread of the virus should be accepted as a way to achieve herd immunity rather than rely on lockdowns. There was also relentless pressure from business interests,especially those involved in retailing,tourism and travel,to reignite demand for their products and services through the rapid reopening of their sectors. Finally,libertarian and fringe groups,inspired by their American counterparts,used the lockdown to question the stringency of the measures,the facts around COVID-19,and the value of science and expertise. The question of whether to support the lockdown had become not a matter of science but of party politics.

The Victorian lockdown arrangements,along with those in NSW and other states,began to ease from mid-May,which in retrospect was too soon. Victoria had a consistent drumbeat of community transmissions that reflected shortcomings in the contact-tracing arrangements. But Freedom Day had been proclaimed. Its irresponsibility gave the Victorian people permission to wave farewell to the very real threat still posed by uncontained community transmission.

An anti-lockdown rally in Melbourne in September.

An anti-lockdown rally in Melbourne in September.Justin McManus

Victoria shifted from lockdown to Freedom Day without ever passing through an intermediate stage that should have,at the very least,involved the widespread use of masks to impede the transmission of coronavirus.

Thanks to the common sense of the Australian people and the dedication of the hundreds of thousands who comprise the Australian public health sector,by the end of May,the country’s pandemic looked more like those of its Asian and Pacific neighbours than those of its British and American allies.

The Victorian and federal governments and their advisers did not use the breathing space afforded by the first lockdown to overhaul and remedy weaknesses in core functions and structures. Had they done so,the second wave would almost certainly never have crashed over Melbourne,and Australia’s outcomes would have been that much better.

As the worst of the pandemic recedes,it is imperative that the entire response,the good and the bad,is scrutinised and assessed. Above all,it is time to reconstruct our health system around prevention. Only about 1-2 per cent of Australian health funding is allocated to prevention,while 98 per cent goes to care and treatment. We get what we pay for - care and treatment after the event - and don’t get what we don’t pay for - prevention of disease,illness and early death.

In my opinion,these are the most pressing reforms that should be made if the Australian people are to be protected from the impacts of the inevitable next viral pandemic:

  1. TheBiosecurity Act 2015 should be overhauled to remove all of the Commonwealth public health functions from the national security structures and re-establish them in a new public health structure based in,or associated with,a revamped Department of Public Health.
  2. Such a structure should be responsible for public health and disease prevention as well as the national coordination of pandemic planning and response. It must be grounded in default principles of transparency,accountability and open policymaking,and subject to oversight,scrutiny and review.
  3. A comprehensive independent review of Australia’s response to all aspects of the coronavirus pandemic is needed,including the interaction between health and economic policymaking.
  4. All Australian governments must overhaul and upgrade their public health structures,funding and pandemic planning,drawing on the lessons and experience of the coronavirus pandemic,so as to ensure the primacy of prevention.
  5. The WHO must be profoundly reformed so as to provide greater transparency,accountability and commitment to the prevention of pandemics.
  6. Even with the return of the United States to WHO,member states,including Australia,will have to substantially increase WHO funding to implement the reform proposals that can be expected from the report of the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response.
  7. There must be a root-and-branch overhaul of Australia’s international relations,planning and liaison around pandemic planning,in particular to strengthen and deepen relations with peer countries in Asia and the Indo-Pacific.
Unmasked:The Politics of Pandemics by Bill Bowtell (Monash University Press).

Unmasked:The Politics of Pandemics by Bill Bowtell (Monash University Press).

But beyond practical reforms,we also have to understand that the coronavirus pandemic is just the most egregious symptom of the interlinked crisis that is overwhelming the planet. In 2020,the butcher’s bill for decades of denying the science of both climate change and the threat of viral pandemics came due.

In 2020,bad politics crippled the health of millions,destroyed jobs and collapsed economies,all of it playing out as planetary heating accelerated. In 2021,only politics regrounded in scientific reality can begin to set the world on a path to the recovery of health,wealth and happiness.

This is an edited extract fromUnmasked:The Politics of Pandemics by Bill Bowtell,published this month as part of the newIn the National Interestseries from Monash University Publishing.

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