Pay ruling is the first step to end shameful story on Australian farms

Farm workers in Australia have toiled for as little as $1 an hour. Or they can slave away all day filling a bucket with oranges for $5 an hour,so it amounts to just $40 in wages.

Until now. On Thursday,in a landmark decision,the Fair Work Commission has ruled that farm workers can no longer be paid below the hourly minimum wage through the use of piece rates. This is a foundational step to ending the endemic exploitation of migrant farmworkers.

Pay ruling will transform fruit picking.

Pay ruling will transform fruit picking.Justin McManus

Paying by piece without a minimum wage floor has meant that unscrupulous growers could pay a worker appallingly low wages.

In my research we encountered workers effectively being paid $1 an hour on piece rates and more generally we found piece-rate workers earned less than $15 an hour,more than $5 below the legal minimum hourly rate for a 38-hour week.

This was often because workers bore the cost for things that were beyond their control. For example,if the weather was bad and the fruit was damaged,or it was the end of the season and there was less fruit on the trees. Or it was often the case that workers couldn’t get up to the unrealistically high picking speed demanded by the farmer.

The case to set a statutory floor for piece rates was led by the Australian Workers Union,supported by the United Workers Union,and was fiercely contested by growers. The Australian Fresh Produce Alliance,the National Farmers Federation and AusVeg threw everything but the kitchen sink at this case. Their argument was that piece rates enabled growers to motivate workers and reward productivity. Growers see piece rates as essential on large farms to guarantee that workers don’t slacken off.

This decision will force some growers to face an uncomfortable reality. Some will have to change their business model and raise their rates to become compliant if they want to stay in business. Others will calculate the risk of being detected and decide to ignore this decision and keep paying workers well below the minimum wage.

So although this decision is a step in the right direction,it needs to be accompanied by further reform to ensure the horticulture industry is not built upon a norm of non-compliance with labour standards.

Fundamentally,visa reform is needed to ensure that different groups of migrant workers are not played off against each other by growers seeking a race to the bottom in wages. Unlike employers in any other industry,farmers can find backpackers,Pacific workers and soon South-East Asian workers on a new agriculture visa. Each of these visas have different conditions and offer varying levels of protection against exploitation. The government needs to ensure there is only one visa for horticultural work that is properly regulated to prevent wage exploitation and replicates the protections that already exist in the Pacific Seasonal Worker Program.

Additionally,the government urgently needs to address the elephant in the room:the industry’s reliance on highly exploited undocumented migrants.

Undocumented migrants on farms,whichthe government’s own report suggests number between 60,000 and 100,000 workers,is the dark underbelly of a horticulture sector that relies on an unregulated overseas workforce to pick fresh fruit and vegetables.

The government needs to offer undocumented migrants a pathway to permanent residency via the new agriculture visa. This would give this group an incentive to come forward if treated unfairly,and prevent growers exploiting them in the shadows.

Ending exploitation by piece rates is a hard-earned victory for Australia’s most vulnerable group of workers. This is a critical first step in the journey to rid migrant worker exploitation on farms but more needs to be done.

Dr Joanna Howe is an Associate Professor at the University of Adelaide Law School. She is a co-author on the reportTowards A Durable Future:Tackling Labour Challenges in the Australian Horticulture Industry.

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