Researchers discover genetic link to self-harm ideas and actions

Queensland researchers have identified 11 genes with links to self-harm,highlighting for the first time an underlying genetic link to self-harming behaviour.

Self-harming behaviour ranges from harmful or suicidal thoughts to harmful actions deliberately caused by a person against themselves.

QIMR researchers have discovered 11 genes with links to self-harming thoughts or actions.

QIMR researchers have discovered 11 genes with links to self-harming thoughts or actions.iStock

Researchers at QIMR Berghofer have been investigating whether there is a genetic component to self-harming behaviour,using genetic data of more than 150,000 people.

“What we wanted to understand with this study was two things - the first was,can we identify specific genes that increase a person’s susceptibility to engage in self harm? And the answer was yes,” study leader Miguel E. Renteria said.

“The second was,do these genes have any crossover with other mental illnesses,and the answer was also yes,but it’s complicated.”

Some of the genes identified by the researchers have also been linked to conditions including depression,anxiety and bipolar disorder.

Two of the genes have never previously been linked to any mental disorders;seven of the genes were linked to thoughts about self-harm and four to acting on those thoughts,but only one gene was linked to both.

Dr Renteria said the findings were important because they showed a potential explanation for why some people who struggled with mental illness also struggled with self-harm,while others did not.

“It has been proposed by psychiatrists that self-harm ideation and action is a distinct disorder,but there is no consensus,” he said.

More people die from suicide in Australia every year than from cancer,and much work is being done to discover the underlying causes,both mental and phsyical.

Professor James Scott,the head of QIMR’s Mental Health Program as well as a practising child and youth psychiatrist,said the findings gave context to a lot of what he and his colleagues saw in people who displayed self-harm characteristics.

“From a clinical perspective this is really important,because if you take two people who have been exposed to the same stressor,one might take it in their stride and the other might become suicidal,” he said.

“What this study shows for the first time is that some of this suicidal thinking is genetically based,it’s outside of their control.”

Professor Scott,who was not directly involved in the research,said that was important because it helped to further remove the stigma around self-harm actions and thoughts.

“People often still think that suicidality is down to a weakness in character,and it’s not that at all,it’s in part genetically triggered,” he said.

“There is a biological basis,and being aware of that allows people to not be so self-critical and self-blaming,and perhaps be kinder to themselves.”

Dr Renteria said researchers expected to find a number of other genes with links to self-harming thoughts or actions.

“Eleven genes is not enough,we need lots more evidence to be found,but this is an important step forward,” he said.

The researchers used data gathered from the UK Biobank and the Queensland Twin Registry,with the study findings published in the journalScientific Reports.

If you or someone you know needs support,help can be found atLifeline on 13 11 14 orBeyond Blue on 1300 224 636.

Stuart Layt covers health,science and technology for the Brisbane Times.

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