Researchers map links between mental and physical illnesses

People with mental disorders are far more likely to suffer from physical ailments as well compared to the general population,new research has found.

Researchers have created a map of disorders linked to mental health conditions,in what is hoped will be a useful tool for physicians and patients for treatment of their conditions.

Researchers from UQ's Queensland Brain Institute have discovered clear links between mental and physical illnesses.

Researchers from UQ's Queensland Brain Institute have discovered clear links between mental and physical illnesses.Supplied

The study,lead by Professor John McGrath,from UQ’s Queensland Brain Institute,looked a 5.9 million people born in Denmark between 1900 and 2015.

Professor McGrath said with such a huge sample size they managed to establish clear links between 10 broad types of mental disorder and nine broad categories of medical conditions.

"We’re aware that people with mental disorders die earlier than they should,about seven years earlier for women and 10 years for men,"he said.

"It’s not just due to suicide,they also die earlier from all the things everyone else dies of,so heart attacks,stroke,cancer.

"It’s not good news;as a report card into the treatment of people with mental health disorders,it’s a fail."

Among the links the researchers found was women with anxiety disorders have a 50 per cent increased risk of developing a heart condition or stroke,while men with substance use disorders have a 400 per cent increased risk of gut or liver disorders.

Professor McGrath said in some cases the link between the disorders was clear,but in others it was less clear,and could have a genetic component.

The researchershave developed a website mapping out the various risks of physical ailments associated with different mental disorders.

Professor McGrath said he hoped that would help doctors treating mental health patients,and served as a reminder that much more needs to be done to treat patients with mental issues.

"This is a disgrace,it’s a tragedy and we as a society need to do better,"he said.

"These people are already stigmatised in so many ways,and they’re also dying earlier than they should."

Dr Grant Blashki,lead clinical adviser for Beyond Blue,agreed,saying doctors needed to lift their game when it came to treating patients with mental disorders for physical conditions.

"The standout finding of a strong association between mood disorders and circulatory conditions only adds to calls for health systems around the world to manage the whole patient and their chronic mental or physical conditions together,"Dr Blashki said.

"As a GP,what I really like about this study is that it’s a reminder that people with mood disorders really need to also look after their cardiovascular health,such as reducing risk factors like smoking,obesity,diabetes,and getting regular exercise."

One exacerbating factor,the researchers noted,was that many antidepressants and other drugs used to treat mental disorders have weight gain as a well-known side effect.

This leads to greater risk of the related health risks which come from being overweight,including heart disease and diabetes.

Interestingly,the study also confirmed previous findings that people with schizophrenia have a lower risk of musculoskeletal conditions like arthritis,suggesting an underlying genetic component.

The research has been published in theNew England Journal of Medicine.

Stuart Layt covers health,science and technology for the Brisbane Times.

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