The Premier says we can have it all - but everyone has a budget

Fairness. It’s a word that I have in front of me every time I sit down at my desk in the NSW Parliament. I have had it written there since I was asked to take on the role as the shadow treasurer and if I am given the honour of being made the next treasurer of NSW in a few days’ time it will come with me when I move office.

A focus on fairness has driven me in everything I do in public office. It has been front and centre of our policies and ideas because government is not just about listening to those with the loudest voice,it’s also about delivering for those who have no voice at all.

NSW Opposition Leader Michael Daley questioned the government's costing of refurbishment for Allianz Stadium.

If given the opportunity,I intend to be a treasurer that is just as well known in the communities of Wilmot,Wilcannia,Wagga Wagga and Woolgoolga as I am in the boardrooms of the leading global firms.

But,more importantly,I will lead a Treasury that does the same. Because fairness must be something that is embedded into a culture,not simply referred to in a keynote address.

My experience working in government,as the chief of staff to a state minister and as a senior official in the Department of Transport and Roads,has given me a deep insight into what is needed to ensure we put people first and that the funding of our priorities reflects this approach.

This requires discipline and hard work.

It’s why the expenditure review committee I established has met every single week over the last three years reviewing,debating and developing positive policies that are affordable and deliverable.

When the independent Parliamentary Budget Office opened last year,we were ready from day one to lodge our proposals and have them reviewed and independently costed. To date we have put forward more than 100 of these policies,to ensure they are rigorously examined from a financial perspective.

No other opposition has put forward this number of detailed policies to the independent Parliamentary Budget Office as us.

The Treasurer,Dominic Perrottet,the person responsible for the legislation that establishes this office has refused to do so.

Instead,Premier Berejiklian says we can have it all. But everyone has a budget. Families do to make ends meet. Government is about priorities not making promises that can’t be met.

Ryan Park wants to be seen out in the community as well as the boardroom.

Ryan Park wants to be seen out in the community as well as the boardroom.Louise Kennerley

It’s why I have announced a range of savings and revenue measures to support our spending commitments. We have had to make tough choices,particularly at a time when we are faced with falls in revenue due to a falling property market and the loss of income from previously publicly owned assets that are now in private sector hands.

Politicians don’t always like to talk about how things are going to be paid for and what choices have to be made to do that. I have taken a different approach.

We will maintain our Triple A credit rating by implementing our savings and revenue measures. This will including cutting the millions of dollars that have been spent on consultants and strengthening the approach to the way major projects are planned and selected. That diligence and proper planning will avoid the $14 billion in blowouts in major infrastructure projects that we have seen under the Liberals and Nationals.

By not wasting billions of dollars on Sydney stadiums,we can invest in areas that enhance fairness across NSW and put local communities at the centre of everything we do.

We will allocate $1.4 billion to replace ageing demountables with modern classrooms,enhancing learning and creating job opportunities in local communities.

We will focus on rebuilding TAFE and addressing skills shortages in growth areas of the economy by allocating 600,000 free places for young people wanting to get qualified in construction,aged care,disability care and electrical trades. And so they can get a job not just a qualification we will ensure every project we deliver over $50 million in value will trigger a target of 50 per cent local workforce and materials.

Our disciplined approach to the budget and the fact that we won’t be spending billions on Sydney stadiums means for the first time,NSW hospitals will have mandatory nurse to patient ratios to improve the health care for all patients regardless of where you live.

There are some significant economic challenges ahead but I do commit to putting people first and making sure fairness is at the heart of every decision we make.

Ryan Park is the opposition treasury spokesman.

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