The ETU is nobody's friend

Earlier this week,as I trundled off down Ipswich's Brisbane Road to Bunnings,I was greeted by the sight of an Electrical Trades Union protest outside the Ipswich electorate office – formerly my office,now that of the local LNP bloke who defeated me.

The feelings of déjà vu,of irony,of wry amusement and of utter disgust are hard to describe in any simple way.

The"Rachel Nolan sold us out"billboard run by the ETU.

The "Rachel Nolan sold us out" billboard run by the ETU.Sarah Harvey/The Queensland Times

After 11 years in the Parliament,I was defeated in 2012 in a nasty and bitter campaign led in large part by the ETU. Like the current,conservative Member for Ipswich,I was assailed by routine ETU protests outside the electorate office and confronted by an enormous ETU funded billboard.

His is wordy,ineffective and deals with an issue (the loss or relocation of 33 jobs from the Swanbank power station) which,while devastating for the people involved,is not of great statewide political concern. Mine said more simply “Rachel Nolan sold us out”.

CEPU Union's billborad on Brisbane Road,Bundamba,targeting the LNP State Government planned assets sales.

CEPU Union's billborad on Brisbane Road,Bundamba,targeting the LNP State Government planned assets sales.Michelle Smith

It stood,at a quoted cost of $10,000 a month for the best part of a year. You couldn't have missed it if you tried.

Billboards and campaigns like it were run by the ETU against Labor MPs across the state.

During the final term of the Bligh government,the ETU Secretary Peter Simpson was,from March 2011 to February 2012,suspended from the ALP.

He'd made the mistake of suggesting the union would formally run or back candidates against Labor sitting MPs - but in a pre-election deal he was readmitted to party ranks.

The union,which in this state has toyed with Katter's Australia Party and in Victoria formally left the ALP and now backs the Greens,still has a credibility about it in part because it is one of the few unions to have strong coverage in both the private and public sectors. It also,through a combination of high membership fees and a network of companies,has a lot of cash.

To be clear,I don't think I or the Bligh government lost solely,or even primarily,because of the ETU. Our mistakes centred on two things;the enormous financial pressures that came in the wake of the GFC and a widely perceived breach of trust – the fact that Labor went to the 2009 election on a slogan of “Jobs,not cuts” and then announced a program of asset sales seemingly as soon as the result was declared.

The government's mistakes were its own and all of us,from the leadership who made the decisions to the caucus members who either loyally or lemming-like held the line,have to make our own peace with that.

In the same way,LNP members'willingness to stand by the ETU,hands on hearts telling us they didn't believe in Labor's asset sales,is an act of breathtaking hypocrisy – perhaps bettered only by the pre-election reassurances they gave public servants – with which they now have to live.

But if grown up public figures face a public and private accountability for positions taken and decisions made,so too should that be the standard for the ETU.

Five minutes ago,they were doing all in their power to hasten the demise of a Labor government,notwithstanding that they were formally affiliated with the ALP.

Now they are doing the same to the LNP. Sure,it's possible to be oppositional just for opposition's sake but that kind of angry,scowling,bovver boy,“youse can all go jump” approach brings nothing constructive to the debate.

It might be fun for the bruvvers to chant on their RDO before heading off for a few beers but most people aren't just troglodytes who are opposed to everything – they do not share the distorted world view of the ETU.

The union's militant and relentlessly negative form should be borne in mind both by ordinary voters who have a right to know the agenda of those they're hearing from,and by Labor itself as it seeks to rebuild.

Sure,it's easy to stand in lock step with the ETU now when the party has so few MPs and friends,but Labor people should never forget the ETU's form. These are not the kind of friends you need.

The government might think it can silence the ETU with its new law suggesting that political campaign spending has to be authorised by the membership but they are probably wrong.

While corporates,including super funds,can donate without consulting their shareholders,members or even the customers from whom the money comes,the laws are unbalanced.

More particularly,the unions will probably find a way around them by channeling funds through other entities,as they seem to have done quite successfully in this case.

What's needed then is not a partisan and anti-democratic legal framework – another juvenile attempt by this government to criminalise those they don't like or with whom they don't agree – it is,as ever,an informed and constructive debate.

In the context of that debate,I'd simply suggest Queenslanders,Labor and otherwise,remember Queensland's recent political history and see the ETU for who and what they are.

Rachel Nolan was the Transport and later Finance Minister in the Bligh Labor government. She is not seeking re-election.

Rachel Nolan is a former minister in the Bligh government.

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