Australia mulls evacuating passengers on stranded coronavirus cruise ship

Australia has begun hatching a plan to evacuate some of the more than 200 Australians off the stranded Diamond Princess cruise ship,dispatching a public health expert to Japan as passengers endure a second week under quarantine for the coronavirus disease.

While not committing to evacuating the Australians on board the ship,the Morrison government is now leaning towards rescuing passengers – particularly the elderly – and taking them to Australia to be quarantined for 14 days.

A security guard stands near the quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship.

A security guard stands near the quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship.AP

The United States as soon as Sunday will begin evacuating its citizens on the luxury cruise ship,which has been docked at Yokohama for more than a week after it sailed off from Hong Kong on February 1.

The step to begin plans for a possible evacuation of Australian citizens comes after more than 170 passengers aboard the cruise ship have caught the virus,causing about 3700 passengers and crew to be quarantined for two weeks.

The deteriorating situation on board the ship comes as China recorded more than 5000 new cases in 24 hours after authorities changed the diagnostic criteria,and updated its death toll to 1457.

On Saturday night an Australian infectious disease expert was travelling to Yokohama where he will begin assessing whether to evacuate some or all of the passengers.

Australia's deputy chief medical officer Paul Kelly said the government was aware of the US plans to evacuate its citizens but it would wait for its expert to determine what the best option was for Australians on board.

He said there were a number of elderly people on board who posed"particular risks"and the government would be looking at"what might be best done,with a view to getting them off the ship".

"People would be aware of one of the major issues in terms of increased numbers of cases outside of China[is] the cruise ship in Yokohama which is causing some concern including for the over 200 Australians on board,"he said.

"We wait for our expert to be on the ground to assess what is the best option for those Australians ... this has been a difficult situation to be stuck on that ship for so long and we certainly want to make the best options available to our citizens."

The concern over the ship comes as about 100 Australians remain in Hubei province – the centre of the coronavirus outbreak – after failing to board the last Qantas emergency flight out of Wuhan on February 9.

Sydney physiotherapist Bon Lee is currently undergoing 14 days quarantine in the Manigurr-ma Village near Darwin.

Mr Lee was forced to leave his wife and 12-month-old daughter in Hubei province to catch the last emergency flight out of Wuhan.

He said he hoped Australia could organise a third evacuation flight,saying his wife and daughter could only stay there for another month"at maximum".

"My wife needs to return to work,"he said. "The number of coronavirus cases in Hubei doesn't seem to be slowing down at all.

"If the government can consider a third flight to assist with remaining Aussies in Hubei and surrounding adjacent provinces[that would be good]."

The coronavirus epidemic has taken a severe toll on Chinese health workers,infecting 1716 and killing six,with numbers expected to rise. Chinese hospitals are now calling for more protective equipment,particularly in Hubei province.

China recorded more than 5000 new cases in 24 hours after authorities changed the diagnostic criteria used to confirm cases,with doctors given broader discretion to determine which patients are infected.

Visiting a Chinese restaurant in his Melbourne electorate on Saturday,Treasurer Josh Frydenberg urged Australians to"wrap our arms around the Chinese-Australians community at this very difficult time".

"The coronavirus is very serious ... the government has acted swiftly in putting in place strong travel restrictions,taking the best possible medical advice,"he said.

"But at the same time as we put those restrictions in place,we have to realise that our Australian-Chinese community needs our support at this particular time including the hospitality industry,the tourism industry."

He said the coronavirus outbreak would be a"significant cost"to the Australian economy including the university sector,tourism and exports.

Anthony Galloway is political correspondent for The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age.

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