Court again rejects bid to speed up extradition proceedings against Malka Leifer

An Israeli court has again rejected a bid to speed up extradition proceedings against alleged child abuser Malka Leifer,sparking renewed calls from an Australian MP to immediately send the former Melbourne school principal back to the country.

Labor MP Josh Burns has written to Israeli President Reuven Rivlin calling for the court proceedings to be completed"as expeditiously as possible"to allow Ms Leifer to be extradited to Australia.

Malka Leife (right) in court in Jerusalem in 2018.

Malka Leife (right) in court in Jerusalem in 2018.AP

According to a report by Israel's Channel 13,the Jerusalem District Court this week rejected the state attorney office's request to set a date as soon as possible for the formal extradition proceedings.

Judge Miriam Lomp said the required legal proceedings had not yet been completed and the request had no legal basis.

"I was a young woman and have since matured,yet never have I seen such a request,"the judge said,according to the media report.

"Instead of acting in accordance with the instructions of the court,and advising its stance on the matters of investigating defence experts and the question of re-examining additional witness testimonies,the petitioner decided to submit an idle request without any legal basis."

In his visit to Australia last month,Mr Rivlintold Australian MPs he would take up the extradition case with his country's chief justice if no progress was made during court hearings that week.

Ms Leifer faces 74 counts of sexual assault in Victoria related to accusations by three sisters who say they were abused while she was a teacher and principal at the Adass Israel ultra-Orthodox Jewish school in Melbourne.

Mr Burns,whose Melbourne electorate of Macnamara takes in the school,wrote to Mr Rivlin on Tuesday to again raise concerns aboutthe"constant delays"in the extradition case.

"The extradition process of Malka Leifer has gone on far too long and Australians are expressing their increasing frustration with the endless delays,"Mr Burns wrote.

"While I make clear we do not wish to interfere with the independent judicial process currently under way,I again put our request that the extradition proceedings be completed as expeditiously as possible."

Mr Burns also called on Israel authorities to investigate allegations its Health Minister,Yaakov Litzman,interfered in the extradition case.

Since extradition proceedings were first brought by Australia more than five years ago,there have been more than 60 court hearings and the case still has not moved to the formal extradition phase.

Ms Leifer's defence lawyers argued she was mentally unfit to be extradited,but a psychiatric panel declared she was fit to stand trial in January this year.

Anthony Galloway is political correspondent for The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age.

Aimee Amiga was a journalist at The Age. Previously,she worked in the Middle East at Haaretz-International New York Times and the Jerusalem Post.

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