‘List of enemies’:Affordable housing advocates say Labor abandoned them

The nation’s peak organisation on affordability and secure housing for Australians on low incomes has accused federal Labor of rejoining a “list of enemies” against increasing home-ownership in favour of benefiting wealthy landlords.

National Shelter,which campaigns to improve housing access for low-income earners,has joined with several social groups to savage the federal opposition’s decision for scrapping key tax policies as it seeks to slimline its policy platform ahead of the next election.

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese has come under criticism from his progression flank after dumping signature policies.

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese has come under criticism from his progression flank after dumping signature policies.Alex Ellinghausen

The opposition went to both the 2016 and 2019 elections promising tohalve the 50 per cent capital gains tax deduction and limit negative gearing to new properties only,attracting fierce resistance from the government and the property and construction industries.

National Shelter chief executive Adrian Pisarski said by ditching its commitment to reforming negative gearing Labor had “abandoned” would-be homeowners and low-income households wanting to buy homes.

“It took 15 years of campaigning by many to get the ALP to find a spine on CGT and negative gearing and commit to helping reduce house price inflation,” Mr Pisarski said. “This is a sad day for housing reform.”

He saidthe pursuit of home-ownership had been pushed out of reach by successive governments having over-generous capital gains discounts,allowing negatively geared investment losses to be claimed against any income and “misguided” first homeowner grants and HomeBuilder.

These policies have seen home-ownership drop overall and plummet among 25-45-year-olds,as politicians lie about building home-ownership while undermining it in reality,” Mr Pisarski said.

“In abandoning these policies which were welcomed and popular,the ALP has now re-joined the list of enemies of increasing home-ownership in favour of benefiting wealthy landlords.“

Several leading opposition figures,including Tanya Plibersek,have argued that housing affordability will be among the most critical issues a new Labor government would face if it wins the next election.

A National Australia Bank report this week forecast home values would continue to surge this year,despite outbreaks of coronavirus plunging major cities back into lockdown. Collectively,capital city home values are expected to rise 18.5 per cent this year,followed by 3.6 per cent growth in 2022.

United Workers Union director Godfrey Moase voiced his concerns over Labor’s policy reversals on social media on Wednesday,warning that “running to Morrison’s right on fiscal austerity” would end “very badly”.

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese said on Monday a Labor government would address inequality by building 30,000 social housing units and affordable housing units for essential workers in a $10 billion dollar off-budget Housing Australia Future Fund.

“We know that housing affordability is a major issue. Labor has a policy to increase social housing supply,which stands in stark contrast to this government that has created a trillion dollars of debt and not put a single additional dollar into a single social housing unit anywhere in the country,” he said.

Mr Pisarski said the policy was modest support relative to the damage done by maintaining current tax settings.

“At the least,the ALP could have also announced some positive measure to help,like a review of taxes affecting housing,but it looks like they have caved in to industry mythology and political myopia,” he said.

The Property Council of Australia,which has previously campaigned fiercely against Labor’s negative gearing policy,claimed it would have reduced GDP by $1.5 billion,shrunk the construction sector by $766 million and failed to meet its stated objectives of improving housing affordability and increasing housing supply.

But several Labor MPs told this masthead they had received criticism from party members on social media and in phone calls to electorate offices following Monday’s decision,with several caucus members asking how Labor would justify the change in positions to voters ahead of the next election.

Emma Dawson,the chief executive of progressive think-tank Per Capita,announced she was withdrawing her name from preselection on Tuesday night for “personal and professional reasons”. While Labor said her announcement was not linked to the policy reversal she was highly critical of Mr Albanese’s decision to end its long-held opposition to the Morrison government’s stage three tax cuts for high-income earners.

Australian Council of Social Service chief executive Cassandra Goldie said it was “unbelievable” that in the middle of a third round of lockdowns,with more than a million people on social security payments excluded from disaster payments,Labor had paused to discuss whether high-income earners should get a tax cut of $180 a week.

Rob Harris is Europe correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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