Love for the PM appeared in short supply on Valentine’s Day

Associate editor and special writer

It was St Valentine’s Day,but love seemed a rare commodity around the Prime Minister’s office on Monday.

The latest political poll and even TV ratings showed a certain lack of public affection for him and his party.

Scott Morrison playing the ukulele.

Scott Morrison playing the ukulele.60 Minutes

Worse,having merrily exposed his awesome lack of musical ability on Sunday night,Scott Morrison copped a hot mouthful from the band whose members wrote and performed the song in the first place.

“It’s a cynical move for a politician to co-opt music in an attempt to humanise themselves come election time,” the band Dragon fumed about the prime minister’s mangled attempt at singing the hit from the 1970s,“April Sun in Cuba”.

Dragon’s statement followed the news that TV viewers hadn’t been particularly arrested by the PM’ssinging and ukulele-playing appearance with his “secret weapon”,wife Jenny,on60 Minutes on the Nine Network,owner of this masthead.

Across five metro capitals,the show captured 574,000 viewers,fewer than the 587,000 who chose to watch the dour,raincoat-wearing British crime busterVera on ABC-TV.

The morning’s Newspoll seems unlikely to have lifted the PM’s spirits much. It found his Coalition in an election-losing two-party preferred position of 45-55,off a disastrous primary vote of 34 per cent against Labor’s 41 per cent.

Morrison,however,remained preferred PM by 43 per cent of voters against Anthony Albanese’s 38 per cent,which sounded almost worth a jig until the figures showed the PM’s net approval was at minus 16,while Albanese’s was minus 6.

Even looking around for hearty support from his top political lieutenants seemed a tricky exercise at a time when Morrison’s leadership is the talk of the town.

His Treasurer,Josh Frydenberg,chose Monday of all times to mention on ABC radio that he lusted after the top job.

Frydenberg didn’t put it so baldly,of course,and prefaced his comment with a polite hope that the Coalition would win the election and Morrison would continue as PM.

But – and there’s always a but in this sort of chatter – “I’ve made no secret that[being PM] would be something I put my hand up for at the right time,but we’re not looking that time right now,” said the Treasurer.

Might Frydenberg have made his ambition clear,first thing in the morning,on the wild off-chance that his rival for Morrison’s job,Peter Dutton,was thinking about a Valentine’s Day Massacre?

With all this swirling around,enter the Dragon.

The band was unkind enough to mention Morrison’s singularly unfortunate holiday in Hawaii – home,as it happens,of the ukulele – during the disastrous bushfires of the summer of 2019.

“Maybe if his trip to Hawaii had not been cut short,he could have learnt the lyrics to the rest of the chorus,” Dragon said.

Valentine’s Day,it happens,is a date to be jumpy for a prime minister who has had certain difficulties in Hawaii and hails from the electorate of Cook,named after the navigator Lt James Cook.

Cook came to an unfortunate end on a beach in Hawaii on St Valentine’s Day,February 14,1779.

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Tony Wright is the associate editor and special writer for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

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