More women will fix Parliament’s ‘culture’ problem. Here’s how to do it

When “women in leadership” was chosen as the global theme for International Women’s Day in 2021,few would have anticipated how pertinent it would become.

For many of us,it will be harder to celebrate International Women’s Day on Monday — and the progress of so many women — while we are in the midst of a challenging debate about gender and culture in our parliaments.

One way to address the gender gap in Parliament is to add more seats.

One way to address the gender gap in Parliament is to add more seats.Alex Ellinghausen

The debate has been confined to “culture” and has avoided the hard reality of gender power,including our poor progress to improve women’s representation.

Australia used to be a world leader on women’s representation. In 1902,we became the second country in the world (behind New Zealand) to give women the right to vote,although that right was not at the time extended to Indigenous women.

The first woman elected to the House of Representatives was Enid Lyons of the United Australia Party (later the Liberal Party) in 1943. The first female senator,Labor’s Dorothy Tangney,was elected the same year.

Yet since the International Parliamentary Union started ranking countries by women’s representation in 1997,Australia has steadily fallen down the rankings.

In 1997,we were ranked 27. By 1999,five years after Labor introduced a 35 per cent gender quota,we had risen to 14. We have since fallen to 50.

To be clear,Australia has continued to improve our women’s representation,but while other nations have taken great strides,our progress has been more modest.

New Zealand had a perilous slide down the global rankings from sixth in 1997 to 39th in 2016. This was turned around with an insurgence of women in Jacinda Ardern’s 2020 Labour landslide. The historical frontrunner,New Zealand nowsits at fifth in the global rankings.

Like the recent New Zealand example,the big gains in female representation have historically occurred during fluctuations in election results. This was true in John Howard’s 1996 landslide when 48 per cent of the 28 new seats were held by women. In the 1998 election,when Labor recovered 18 seats,66 per cent went to women.

But the most recent return to a Coalition government saw no such gender bounce. Of the 25 seats the Coalition gained in 2010 and 2013 under Tony Abbott’s leadership,only four went to women.

The most notable characteristic about Australia’s current rate of female representation is the partisan divide.

At present,31 per cent of all members of the House of Representatives are female — 42.6 per cent in the Labor caucus and 19.5 per cent in the Coalition party room (21 per cent for Liberals,12.5 per cent Nationals).

It has not always been this way.

In the Menzies years the Liberal Party pioneered women’s representation,with the party’s original constitution entrenching women’s branches and organisational positions. With its blue-collar union base,the Labor Party did not produce a female lower house MP until Joan Child in 1974.

The divergence in the parties’ performance has come about as the Liberals have replaced Menzian liberalism with more American-style conservatism. So while Labor embraced quotas to develop a more representative caucus,the Coalition defended the status quo as grounded in “merit”.

If we accept the position that a more representative Parliament is desirable but that affirmative action displaces “meritorious” men,then we have no choice but to get creative with the alternatives.

So perhaps instead of affirmative action,we expand the Parliament and the major parties agree to pre-select women in all newly created seats.

An expansion of the House of Representatives from 151 to 211 could create 50/50 gender parity at the next election,while avoiding the uncomfortable tap on the shoulder for sitting men.

The change could be legislated – no referendum is required – though the nexus built into the constitution means the Senate would also have to be expanded.

We know what you’re thinking — “not more politicians!” — but expanding the Parliament would fix a number of other problems.

With an average electorate size of 107,782 voters,Australia has some of the most populous federal electorates in the world. Among the few countries with bigger seats are Russia,Brazil and the US – hardly beacons of contemporary,functioning democracy.

Australia’s large electorates don’t bring about cost savings. Rather,our MPs are serviced by large staffs,who themselves are not accountable to the electorate.

And our small Parliament drives partisanship. In large chambers,such as Britain’s 650-member House of Commons,there is leeway for members to vote with their consciences. Australia’s tight numbers drive iron party discipline.

As in any workplace,the Australian Parliament’s culture derives from power. The only way to increase women’s representation without threatening the existing power is to expand our Parliament.

The governing Coalition has fallen behind community standards regarding the voices of women. Without action,Australia will continue to slide down global rankings.

Rachel Nolan and James Pawluk are executive directors at The McKell Institute.

Rachel Nolan is a former minister in the Bligh government.

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