Show and tell:the ‘not-so-secret’ mission of ASIO boss Mike Burgess


Mike Burgess acknowledges he is different from his predecessors. The self-described geek from a working-class background was handpicked by the Morrison government to lead Australia’s domestic spy agency,ASIO,less than two years ago. An engineer by profession,Burgess has spent almost his entire career in the intelligence community.

There has long been a view within governments that a career intelligence operative was not the best person to head the agency;someone with a broader perspective was preferred. For at least three decades,the director-general of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation had been an ex-diplomat.

The appointment of Burgess showed the government knew there was a unique set of threats facing the country,with defences against cyber attacks and the protection of critical infrastructure key priorities.

“I never ever thought I would be in a position like this,” the tall,softly-spoken Burgess says. “Of course being me helps me in my role,just as being a diplomat would help a former diplomat in this role,but we all come at things from a different point of view.

“Remember,we’re now at a time where this organisation relies on technology and driving data smartly … being an engineer actually helps me understand that more.”

Out of the shadows:the director-general of ASIO Mike Burgess delivered his second annual threat assessment on Wednesday night.

Out of the shadows:the director-general of ASIO Mike Burgess delivered his second annual threat assessment on Wednesday night.Alex Ellinghausen

Burgess is speaking toThe Sunday Age andThe Sun-Herald from ASIO’s Canberra headquarters,the Ben Chifley Building,a heavily fortified structure overlooking Lake Burley Griffin and the nation’s parliament.

After delivering his second annual threat assessment on Wednesday night,Burgess faces a number of challenges in leading the spy agency created by Prime Minister Ben Chifley in 1949. He has the continuing threat of religiously motivated terrorism,the rising threat of ideological extremists and the ever-present need to make good on his promise to bring the agency “out of the shadows”.

Tapping into technology

Burgess,55,grew up in suburban Adelaide and says he was just a “simple teenage boy” who certainly never dreamed of becoming a spy. One of four children,his father worked as a storeman while his mother was a cleaner.

He remembers being introduced to a computer in Year 11 and becoming transfixed by its possibilities.

“I didn’t know why they were amazing,I just thought they were pretty cool,” Burgess says. “And I thought I wanted to be able to build those,I want to be able to write programs,it’s not just tapping on the keyboard… that was my motivation and what got me into engineering.

“But as I got into all that good geeky stuff,I kind of realised it was something else,you can do something with that technology.

“My dad didn’t want me to go to university. He grew up in London during the Second World War,left school at the age of 11...He worked at a university and saw all these students just bumming around,or so he thought.”

Burgess says he “thankfully” convinced his father he wouldn’t burden the family,and enrolled in electrical engineering at the South Australian Institute of Technology,the first person in his family to go to university.

In 1995,a few years after graduating,the young Burgess saw a “weird,geeky-sounding” advertisement in the newspaper. It was short on details about the recruiter,but Burgess thought he would give it a go. The agency he was applying for was the nation’s cyber spy agency - the Defence Signals Directorate (now the Australian Signals Directorate) - where he would spend most of the next 18 years scaling the ranks.

Looking back,the Canberra-based Burgess says he “stumbled into the intelligence world and I haven’t looked back”.

The agency he joined in 1995 was highly secretive;few Australians had ever heard of the directorate and his own family had little idea what he did.

He says he had a few key mentors,including the former head of directorate,Stephen Merchant,as well as former ASIO director-general David Irvine. Merchant taught him the “power of communication - the need to be a constant drumbeat,be very clear on your message,stick to it,and keep repeating it until people close to you will roll their eyes because they’ve heard it a thousand times”.

After five years as deputy director for cyber and information security,Burgess returned to the civilian world. He joined Telstra in 2013 as the company’s chief information security officer.

Mike Burgess at a Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) hearing at Parliament House in Canberra last year.

Mike Burgess at a Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) hearing at Parliament House in Canberra last year.Alex Ellinghausen

In 2017,Burgess was appointed inaugural director-general of the rebadged Australian Signals Directorate,vowed to bring the organisation “out of the shadows”. In moves that shook the intelligence community and surprised the media,he made a series of public speeches and statements about the evolving role of the directorate and the increased threat of cyber attacks.

Since taking over ASIO,he has made similar promises to be as open as possible. In a major change,he delivers “annual threat assessments” to the nation. In his second such speech on Wednesday night,Burgess revealed ASIO last year cracked a major foreign espionage network operating in Australia that successfully recruited a government official with access to sensitive defence technology,in what he described as a “nest of spies”.

He also announced ASIO would be scrapping the terms “right-wing extremism” and “Islamic extremism” as umbrella labels,arguing they are “no longer fit for purpose”.

The speeches are unprecedented in their detail on recent ASIO operations. Burgess describes figuring out how much he can say to the public as a “creative process”.

He says he knows he needs to “walk the talk” on being transparent,but “I think we’ve already demonstrated that”.

“Without telling what we do,[I want to explain] why we exist,how we’re governed,how we’re overseen,what the threat environment is,” Burgess says.

He says he wants to be transparent because he believes it is the right thing to do,noting the considerable powers given to his organisation come from parliament and the budgets from the government,which are democratically accountable.

While Burgess is a part of a new generation of leaders in the national security world - including Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw,Office of National Intelligence boss Andrew Shearer and ASD director-general Rachel Noble - he is easily the most high-profile. Part of this has to do with ASIO’s role as Australia’s domestic spy agency and Burgess’s desire to keep Australians informed as much as possible.

Professor of international security and intelligence studies at the Australian National University John Blaxland,who co-authored two volumes of ASIO's official history,says"Mike Burgess is presiding over an organisation going through a revolution".

"He has transformed the internal workings of ASIO. He has come to the job with an understanding of the cyber domain and its implication to domestic security intelligence like no one before him has,"he says.

"The old-school analogue human-to-human intelligence of the past hasn't gone away,but relatively speaking has diminished in significance."

Blaxland says Burgess is the most public director-general ASIO has ever had,but he is perfectly suited for the times.

"It's unprecedented. Most director-generals at some stage gave a public address,but none had an annual threat assessment,none had a Twitter profile,none went so far in building up the public profile of ASIO. But to be fair it does build on the work of his predecessors,who commissioned a three-volume history of ASIO,"Blaxland says.

"It's a fine balance when you're facing a surge in security challenges without doing so that leaves you open to accusations you're being shrill and seeking to accumulate power for bureaucratic reasons. I don't get that's what Mike Burgess is doing,I get that he is articulating a level of detail because the threat is real and it's more diffuse than it's been the in past."

Explaining the threats

Australia’s security agencies have been asking for unprecedented powers from parliament in recent years,and ASIO is front-and-centre. These range from giving it additional authority to decode encrypted messages,to forcibly question foreign spies and to place tracking devices on vehicles without a warrant when deemed necessary.

“I respect this organisation for keeping its secrets,but if we don’t do a good job of explaining the threat and how we reduce harm,then people might not be as aware of the threats as they need to be,” he says. “Being a little bit more open is,I think,actually part of me anyway,and it helps us get the job done.”

Burgess says he also talks publicly out of a desire to “attract the best and brightest from the entire gene pool in Australia,because we need to represent the country that we serve”.

Burgess adds there is another audience for his speeches:Australia’s adversaries.

“I wasn’t just explaining it to the Australian public[on Wednesday night],I was actually explaining it to others - whether they’re extremist or foreign intelligence services,” he says.

“It doesn’t hurt to just reinforce the messages that they would see through our covert or other actions.”

He says it is important that Australia’s adversaries don’t know how their operations are foiled,and they have to believe that some of his agency’s capabilities are “impossible”. “I’m talking[in public] about the outcomes of our work…I’m not talking abouthow we do it,” Burgess says. “Of course[our adversaries] can reverse-engineer and guess without knowing all the facts,that’s the challenge.”

He says his two priorities are defending against “threat to life” and “threat to way of life”. By this he means,would-be terrorists and extremists are targeting people’s lives,while foreign spies are trying to target our very way of living in a democratic society.

And what about Burgess’s way of life?

Outside of work,he enjoys going home to watch his beloved Carlton play in the AFL (he barracked for Glenelg in the South Australian National Football League,and then followed Stephen Kernahan over to the Blues). While a good basketballer in his youth - which he puts down to height rather than skill - his sporting days are over.

Burgess says he also loves gardening and walking his dog.

After all,he is different - yet ordinary.

Anthony Galloway is political correspondent for The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age.

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