'Smacks of revolving door':treasury official nabbed top job at LPI

A senior NSW Treasury official became the chief financial officer of the land titles registry in a"classic"case of the revolving door,renewing calls for the government to restrict such moves.

James Dolton,the Treasury's head of commercial transactions,clinched the top financial job at Land and Property Information (LPI) in 2016,shortly before the bidding war began and six months before the $2.6 billion deal was sealed.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Treasurer Dominic Perrottet announce the $2.6 billion LPI privatisation deal in April 2017.

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Treasurer Dominic Perrottet announce the $2.6 billion LPI privatisation deal in April 2017.Jessica Hromas

Previously,Mr Dolton spearheaded the privatisations ofTransgrid's "poles and wires" andPillar Administration,a superannuation administration provider. As early as 2013,he conducted a scoping study into the sale of LPI.

"This smacks of a classic example of revolving doors,the movement of personnel between government and industry which has the potential for undue influence and decisions that may not be in the public interest,"Serena Lillywhite,CEO of Transparency International Australia,said.

Public sector ethics experts are calling for governments to mandate"cooling off"periods,which would force senior public servants to wait up to five years before moving to the private sector to prevent conflicts of interest.

Ahead of the NSW election,the Greens say they want to work with Labor to legislate cooling off periods. But Labor says restrictions should be imposed on a case-by-case basis.

The Treasury's owncode of ethics and conduct says an employee"should not use their position to obtain opportunities for future employment in a way that would cast doubt on their integrity",otherwise there would be a"conflict of interest and their integrity ... is at risk".

Adam Bennett,CEO of Land Registry Services (formerly LPI),responded to questions sent to Mr Dolton,explaining that in 2016 the government created and advertised the CFO job as part of its efforts to separate LPI before privatisation.

James Dolton,CFO of NSW Land Registry Services.

James Dolton,CFO of NSW Land Registry Services.LinkedIn/James Dolton

"Mr Dolton applied for the position ... a competitive recruitment process was coordinated by Department of Finance,Services and Innovation (DFSI) ... he was highly qualified,"he said.

DFSI confirmed it conducted the hiring process and the appointment,as required,was based on merit.

However politics lecturer George Rennie from Melbourne University said there was a"broad ethical issue"and urged governments to mandate a cooling off period of five years.

"Most large businesses have non-compete clauses,breaches of which are aggressively pursued in civil courts,so why shouldn’t we have a similar system for our democracy?"

Premier Gladys Berejiklian was the treasurer in 2016 but her office said she did not know Mr Dolton,adding such matters"are addressed in agency codes of conduct".

Greens MP Justin Field said the cooling off period"should be no shorter than two years for those involved in major transactions where there is direct influence over decisions".

Labor's shadow attorney-general Paul Lynch said:"A Daley Labor government would seek advice from the ICAC and Ombudsman on appropriate steps to address this issue,"he said.

Esther Han is the Digital Engagement Editor at the Australian Financial Review.

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