Stay socially distant on Mother’s Day

Head of the Biosecurity Research Program at the Kirby Institute,UNSW Medicine.

The locally acquired case of SARS-COV-2 diagnosed in Sydney on Wednesday highlights the continued risk we face while the pandemic rages outside our borders and while the majority of the population is unvaccinated.

The NSW Health team is experienced and highly proficient in dealing with outbreaks,and will approach this three ways – first,to track all the man’ contacts and then test and quarantine them (already his wife has tested positive).

Second,to identify the source of his infection – this can be done by backtracking his movements for the two weeks prior to his infection,focusing especially on the one week prior,to see where he went and where he may have acquired the infection;aand also by the genomic sequencing,which hasalready found the man’s infection is linked to a traveller returning from the US who had the Indian variant. They were quarantined at the Park Royal hotel at Darling Harbour until they tested positive and were moved to Special Health Accommodation on April 28. The likely origin is this traveller,and we need to know who else they may have infected. Someone exposed to that person likely infected the newly infected man,and may have infected others.

NSW Health will be tracing the movements of the man who tested positive for COVID this week.

NSW Health will be tracing the movements of the man who tested positive for COVID this week.Google Maps

Third,NSW Health will be on high alert for outbreak signals around Sydney in the coming two weeks,and this includes enhanced testing and the early warning provided by sewage testing. We know there is virus in the sewage in the inner west,so people in the inner west should have a low threshold for seeking testing,as should people who were in the flagged contact zones of the infected man. Given the track record of NSW Health,chances are this will be contained.

The decision to bring back masks is a necessary step. Research conducted by our team at the Kirby Institute showed that if masks had been mandated early in the Victorian second wave,much of the epidemic could have been averted. Even mask mandates at the peak prevented a much larger surge in cases,and even masks of lower quality still provide population level protection. This is because about half of infections are asymptomatic or presymptomatic so,when you are out and about,you cannot tell who around you is infected. You may be infected and not know it. If everyone wears a mask,it prevents outward transmission from infected people and protects well people.

Masks are back in Sydney.

Masks are back in Sydney.SMH

However,masks are not possible when eating and are rarely used at home:anew study from Hong Kong showed that most transmission occurs in mask-off settings such as households and restaurants. Indoor settings pose the greatest risk,including public transport. Social distancing and other hygiene measures are important,as is awareness of the ongoing risk of outbreaks while our population remains largely unvaccinated. On Mother’s Day,have your celebration socially distanced with windows open to let fresh air in and stick to the rules – no more than 20 people. And if you mum is in aged care,wear a mask and keep a distance if you visit under the new rules.

In other research on vaccination in NSW,Kirby Institute researchersshowed a slow trickle of vaccination will leave us living with COVID-19 longer. If supply is limited,the best strategy is vaccination of contacts,if the vaccine provides protection after exposure. Many vaccines do work in this way and are used in outbreaks – measles,hepatitis,smallpox – and with the long incubation period of SARS-COV-2,it may have some protection. But the studies proving this have not yet been done.

New restrictions come into effect from 5pm today.

Age-based strategies,such as vaccinating older adults and aged care residents,are important to protect older Australians,who are most at risk of death,but will not control outbreaks. For that,we need mass vaccination. Herd immunity may be possible,with countries like Israel showing dramatic reductions in infection after reaching about 70 per cent immunity rates,even while restrictions are being lifted.

While we wait for adequate vaccine supply and mass vaccination infrastructure,the other strategy is to tighten hotel quarantine. Instead ofcriminalising returning nationals from selected countries,there is a lot we can do to mitigate the risk of hotel quarantine leaks and bring stranded Australians home. The hotel quarantine system as a whole has been an important part of our success,but has been subject to leaks because our national guidelines do not accept that the main mode of transmission of SARS CoV 2 is airborne.

Transmission is predominantly through inhalation;think of the way cigarette smoke lingers and spreads in a crowded indoor venue,which you then breathe in,and you have an analogy to how SARS CoV 2 spreads through airborne transmission. Even without purpose-built facilities,we can make hotel quarantine safer but first we must stop airborne denialism so we can fix the problems that are causing breaches – inadequate ventilation and lack of high grade respiratory protection.

All hotels should be tested and selected on the basis of adequate ventilation. Indoor areas can be tested cheaply with a C02 monitor,which is a proxy for how much of other people’s breath is lingering in the air.

Areas of poor ventilation can use portable air cleaners or open windows,and staff should not be placed in areas that have stagnant air. All staff should be fully vaccinated with a high efficacy vaccine and provided N95 respirators. The WHO has just updated its guidelines on April 30 to accept airborne transmission,so Australia needs to follow. That way we can protect our borders while waiting for Australia to be fully vaccinated.

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Professor Raina MacIntyre is the head of the Biosecurity Research Program at the Kirby Institute,UNSW Medicine.

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