Eight out of 10 best-paid public sector bureaucrats are men

Eight out of the top 10 best-paid Queensland public sector bureaucrats are men.

And 31 male and female bosses across government departments,government-owned corporations and other bodies rake in bigger base salaries than the Premier,according toBrisbane Timesanalysis of dozens of annual reports for 2020-21.

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk’s government set a 50 per cent gender parity target for government boards.

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk’s government set a 50 per cent gender parity target for government boards.AFR

The pay imbalance in the senior ranks comes despite the Palaszczuk government’s commitment to achieve a 50 per cent gender balance on state boards,a target that was met in 2019.

Earlier this year,Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk became the longest-serving female head of government in Australia.

The following month,while announcing three women-in-leadership events,Ms Palaszczuk said it was not acceptable that women made up half the population but did not share equal representation in leadership roles.

“Less than 33 per cent of the ASX 200 company board positions are occupied by women,” she said.

“Two of these boards have no female representation whatsoever.

“While women make up half of the private sector workforce,only 18.3 per cent of women are CEOs and 32.5 per cent hold key management positions in the sector.

“Wherever decisions about our business,industry and community are being made,women must be at the table.”

Ms Palaszczuk said 54 per cent of Queensland government board positions were now occupied by women whereas the figure was only 31 per cent when the target was set in 2015.

However,fewer than one in three of Queensland government chief executives,directors-general or other top-earning employees are female.

The top overall earner was Queensland Treasury Corporation chief executive Philip Noble,who received a total package of $1.25 million,including a $738,627 base salary and almost $450,000 as a “short-term incentive” bonus.

That compares with Ms Palaszczuk’s base salary of $407,954.

In the Department of Premier and Cabinet,Ms Palaszczuk’s long-serving director-general Dave Stewart took home a larger base salary than she did - $533,000 - before departing in May 2021 to become agent-general for the United Kingdom,also taking $69,000 in post-employment benefits.

Bosses at government-owned corporations and statutory bodies raked in the highest base salaries,including at Energy Queensland,Queensland Rail,Queensland Investment Corporation and CS Energy,with only one department head making the top 10 list - Transport and Main Road Director-General Neil Scales.

Total packages can include allowances,long service leave,parking,a car and superannuation.

Women made up 69.42 per cent of employees across the Queensland public sector,where 87.58 per cent of part-time employees were women,according to the latest report from March.

The state government has changed the way it reports on its workforce,but a report from June 2019 under the old method showed female public servants employed as full-time permanent employees earned $89,416 on average versus $97,190 for men.

Public Service Commission chief executive Robert Setter said the number of women at senior leadership levels across the government had increased over the past five years from 39 per cent to more than 50 per cent.

Mr Setter said the recently appointed special commissioner for equity and diversity,Dr Linda Colley,would play a crucial role in continuing to improve inclusion and diversity in the Queensland public sector,including ensuring women had equal access to careers at senior leadership levels.

“The role ... is yet another example of the steps we are taking to ensure women have the equal rights,equitable opportunities and access to career success,” he said.

In 2018,Ms Palaszczukdefended the pay packets given to the state’s top public servants,insisting the government needed to pay top dollar to attract the best talent.

Felicity Caldwell is a journalist at Brisbane Times.

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