Labor stumps up $210m to clear legal backlog,funds new police stations

The Victorian government has boosted funding for the state’s justice system as it works to clear a case backlog that has crippled the state’s courts because of Melbourne’s coronavirus lockdowns.

Treasurer Tim Pallas also unveiled programs in Thursday’s budget aimed at early intervention to help at-risk Victorians,but the government acknowledged that while funding for such initiatives had increased in recent years,it remained low relative to spending on acute services.

State political reporter Sumeyya Ilanbey gives an overview of the Victorian budget for 2021.

The government has also set aside $43 million to build new police stations,including a police station in Benalla and land for a future Yarra police precinct by amalgamating Fitzroy and Collingwood stations.

Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes said Labor was “investing where it’s needed to ensure our justice system is responsible and fair.

“Our investments provide targeted support for vulnerable Victorians while seeking to empower women,Aboriginal people,people with disability,older Victorians and children. Most importantly this budget will make sure all Victorians have access to justice.”

Courts will receive more than $210 million to boost online services in the Magistrates Court and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal,and provide additional resources for the County Count.

Victoria Legal Aid,Victoria Police,the Office of Public Prosecutions,Corrections Victoria and victim support services will share in a $55 million package to clear the backlog in the justice system.

Following the recent 30th anniversary of the Royal Commission into Preventing Aboriginal Deaths in Custody,Victoria has committed more than $30 million for initiatives to prevent such deaths.

There is money for after-hours family violence support and regional legal assistance,Ngarra Jarranounith Place for Aboriginal men and the Baroona Youth Healing Place,early intervention programs to keep children under 14 out of the criminal justice system and establishing a 20-bed Aboriginal healing unit for Aboriginal women in the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre.

In response to an inquest into the death of Indigenous woman Tanya Day,the government passed legislation this year to decriminalise public drunkenness.

However,the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service has warned that Labor has put the “government’s legacy on Aboriginal justice at risk”. The group said its place-based delivery model needed $26.5 million over four years,but received only $1 million a year for two years.

Chief executive Nerita Waight said preventable deaths in custody continued to occur.

“Report after report has found that Aboriginal community-controlled services are the solution. Yet[Premier] Daniel Andrews failed to invest in Aboriginal legal services in the state budget,ignoring generations of advice.

“Because of their choices,Daniel Andrews and Jaclyn Symes are responsible for the fact that there are too many Aboriginal people in Victorian prisons. Systemic racism is a problem that is being perpetuated by state governments and state governments have a responsibility to address it – it’s not just a Commonwealth problem.”

The group says its place-based delivery model enables it to provide tailored,culturally safe legal support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Victorian Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes has unveiled a funding boost for courts aimed at clearing a backlog of legal cases.

Victorian Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes has unveiled a funding boost for courts aimed at clearing a backlog of legal cases.Eddie Jim

The Restorative Engagement and Redress Scheme for Victoria Police employees who are victims of workplace sexual harassment and sexual assault has received a funding boost,with $15.5 million assigned this year,compared with $3.4 million last year.

The Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants is set to get a further $23.8 million this year and $21.8 million next year,before the figure falls to $5.6 million and $5.1 million over the last two years of the four-year forward estimates.

Reason Party MP Fiona Patten accused the government of misdirecting its investments in the criminal justice system.

“It is a great disappointment to see the government again invest heavily in prisons – some $2.6 billion. Strict bail laws will bankrupt this state,” Ms Patten said.

“Forty-four per cent of people who have been to prison are returning within two years;it’s a flawed and expensive approach to crime prevention.

“It’s disappointing they’ve underfunded Aboriginal legal hubs – $2.2 million for two hubs is not even close to half of what’s required.”

Meanwhile,the government has cut more than $100 million,compared with pre-pandemic levels,from the creative industries,despite the sector being one of the worst hit by last year’s coronavirus lockdowns.

Although the government had been spruiking its huge spending spree for the sector last year,the budget revealed it had spent only $20 million more than it had planned to in the 2019-20 budget handed down before the pandemic.

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Sumeyya Ilanbey is a business journalist for The Age and Sydney Morning Herald

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