Farewell then,Coates,as AOC president - our 18th century French statesman

Sports Columnist

“The best politician in Australia,” is how John Singleton describes John Dowling Coates,who stands down as AOC president on Saturday after 32 years in the position.

Singo,who worked on advertising campaigns for both sides of politics - including the re-election of Hawke governments - is not surprised at the guest list of governor generals past and present,a former prime minister,current and past federal sports ministers,a state premier,rich businessmen and IOC president Thomas Bach attending the celebration dinner for the Olympic chief in Sydney on Saturday night.

Australian Olympic Committee president John Coates insists Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk should attend the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics during a press conference,then explains to her the reasons why.

John Howard,one of four PMs who supported Coates’s nomination for a Companion of the Order of Australia,will attend. The fact that Gough Whitlam,Paul Keating and Hawke joined Howard to recommend Coates for the nation’s highest honour at the relatively young age of 56 is testimony to his political skills.

In multiple ways,Coates,71,resembles Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord,the 18th century French statesman whose name has become a byword for crafty,resourceful diplomacy. Talleyrand survived six different regimes,from Louis XVI through Napoleon to Louis-Philippe,the last king of France.

Coates was unchallenged as the national Olympic boss for nearly 30 years,during which time he survived fall-outs with other more senior Australian IOC members,such as Phil Coles and Kevan Gosper.

Talleyrand was criticised for his support of successive regimes,usually hostile to the preceding one,but justified this by declaring he was serving France rather than a regime. So it is with Coates demonstrating deep fealty to the Olympic movement.

Both have been labelled arrogant by those who would picture them together:Talleyrand with right arm in Napoleonic position,Coates with his folded;heads tilted backwards as if inhaling the air for something similar to their own excellence but neither ever expecting to find it. Yet,Coates with his eyes crinkled in a smile,while Talleyrand has lips pursed in case a gesture breaks out.

Napoleon described Talleyrand as “a shit in a silk stocking.” A Melbourne journalist was less eloquent,describing Coates as “an arsehole.”

Both men have lacked some qualities during their lives but confidence has never been one of them. Talleyrand declared:“Regimes may fall and fail,but I do not.” Coates dismissed his enemies with a steely eye when questioned over the lures he offered IOC delegates to vote for Sydney’s hosting of the 2000 Olympics,saying,“I wasn’t going to die wondering.”

John Coates has never cared much for criticism.

John Coates has never cared much for criticism.Brook Mitchell

Following Napoleon’s defeat,Talleyrand was France’s representative at the 1814 Congress of Vienna,set up to reshape the map of Europe. Despite expectations France would be the big loser under the council’s chair,Austrian chancellor Klemens von Metternich,Talleyrand gained the support of smaller nations and succeeded in achieving a balance of power in Europe.

Similarly,Coates knew he needed votes of the minor sports when he was challenged by the mainly Melbourne-based major sports,such as swimming and tennis,for the AOC presidency in 2017. He met with the chairman of the Asian Olympic Committee,Sheik Ahmad Al-Sebah,in Vietnam in September 2016,guaranteeing Australian participation in the Asian Winter Games in Sapporo. This led to Australia being invited to the Asian Indoor Martial Arts Games in Ashgabat,Turkmenistan,the following year. Nothing guarantees the support of sports such as weightlifting,judo,curling,biathlon etc in an election where all sports have equal voting rights than to have Games airfares,accommodation (and blazers for the officials) paid.

John Coates with Sydney 2000 volunteers celebrating the 20-year anniversary at the lighting of the cauldron.

John Coates with Sydney 2000 volunteers celebrating the 20-year anniversary at the lighting of the cauldron.Louise Kennerley

Talleyrand opposed Napoleon’s ill-fated invasion of Russia but became his chief negotiator. Coates was an early hardliner on performance-enhancing drugs,but when Russia’s drug positives at the Sochi Winter Olympics forced the IOC’s hand,it was vice president Coates who found a way for drug-free athletes to compete at future Games. Coates the lawyer came up with the concept of “individual versus collective responsibility”,allowing athletes to represent the Russian Olympic Committee,rather than Russia.

Talleyrand was born with a pronounced limp. Coates has had a hip problem since birth,forcing him into the cox role in rowing. Talleyrand had a reputation as a womaniser and was whispered to have fathered two dozen illegitimate children. Coates fathered six legitimate ones with his first wife,Pauline,before marrying the multilingual and significantly younger Orieta Pires. Coates,realising the burden recent medical issues would have on his mobility,withdrew from attending this year’s Winter Olympics. “I would have had to pushed about in a wheelchair,” he lamented. If so,he would have followed in the treads of Talleyrand,who was given an armchair on wheels by Louis Philippe.

John Coates marries Orieta Pires in October 2017.

John Coates marries Orieta Pires in October 2017.Brook Mitchell

Both have been loyal to close friends. When Talleyrand went to America he became attached to Alexander Hamilton,the politician who is the subject of the popular stage play. Aaron Burr,the US vice president,killed Hamilton in a duel in 1804 and subsequently went to France in disgrace. He sought Talleyrand’s hospitality and was rejected. The number of Coates’s classmates at the funeral of his 96-year-old mother is testimony to the lifelong friendships he cherishes.

Coates becomes honorary life president of the AOC and will sit on the board of the 2032 Brisbane Olympic Games Organising Committee,from which he will continue to use guile to surprise. His fellow board members will leave meetings puzzled at decisions,just as Metternich was when told Talleyrand had died.

“I wonder what he meant by that?” Metternich asked.

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Roy Masters is a Sports Columnist for The Sydney Morning Herald.

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