They call it GayFL - but that’s the one thing it is not

Sports columnist
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As ever when a professional sportsman outs himself as gay,the question begs:why have none emerged in the AFL? Really,it should be broader:why so few in any male team sport?

There wasIan Roberts in the NRL 25 years ago,but no-one since. English cricketer Steve Davies came out in 2011,American basketballer Jason Collins in 2013. This year,Carl Nassib became the first NFL player to declare himself while still playing. Others,a smattering,have come out post-retirement.

‘I’m still pinching myself’:Josh Cavallo was overwhelmed by worldwide support.

‘I’m still pinching myself’:Josh Cavallo was overwhelmed by worldwide support.Adelaide United

In 1990,Englishman Justin Fashanu became the first player to open up about being gay while still playing top-level soccer. Eight years later,he died by suicide.

WhenAdelaide United’s Josh Cavallo came out this week,he became the only openly gay,active,fully professional male footballer in the biggest game in the world. Cavallo was widely acclaimed for his courage,which underscored the question about why,more than 30 years after Fashanu,it took courage. Three decades on,the fact of gay men in elite team sport has not been normalised.

The answer can only be that there are still too few of them,or that they are not prepared to reveal themselves. So the question becomes this:is the culture of male team sport deterring players from coming out,or is it deterring them from playing the game in the first place? Either answer is confronting to a sector which imagines itself to be enlightened.

The trouble is that because we don’t hear from them,we don’t know. By we,I don’t necessarily mean media. Prurient curiosity too often is dressed up as the right to know. But publicity might embolden others. This is what Cavallo hopes.

Justin Fashanu

Justin FashanuAP Photo

From reading and listening,I sense issues at both ends of a gay sportsman’s journey. Recent research jointly conducted by Monash University and the University of British Columbia found that non-heterosexual boys play team sport at half the rate of their peers. A British parliamentary inquiry found that homophobic banter in youth sport discouraged gay and bisexual boys from joining in. The pathways were blocked from the start.

A spiral effect ensues:because so few persevere and make it through,they remain invisible at the top. The opposite effect can be observed in women’s sport. For a long time,this led to stigmatisation of some games women play,now receding and in fact being replaced by celebration.

At the other end of the road,there are other inhibitions. As was noted this week,coming out looks like a first step,but is in fact a last. A young gay sportsman is likely to have agonised for years until arriving at a point where the price of hiding his true self was taking a greater toll than whatever it cost to reveal it. You could hear this clearly in Cavallo’s story. Even then,some still baulk.

Only recently,decades after Fashanu and Roberts,sport has begun to understand and allow for the peculiar risk it poses for the mental health of its stars. For a gay footballer,this redoubles. You’d think this new awareness would bolster anyone in Cavallo’s boots. But even if and when he has reconciled all within the club,once he opens the doors he would be met by the monster of social media. This is the change for the worse since Fashanu and Roberts.

Ian Roberts.

Ian Roberts.Wolter Peeters

There is a parallel with racism in sport. For all a club and code might do to tackle it,they can’t tame the anarchic and bigoted social media world. It droveEddie Betts up the wall. It is not hard to imagine that this is the bridge too far for some gay footballers.

Are the AFL and its clubs welcoming enough? They think they are. ButMonash behavioural scientist Erik Denilson notes research that draws a distinction between attitudes and norms. A sports body might adopt enlightened attitudes - supporting Gay Pride matches,for instance - without underlying norms within the club,like language,changing. Because gay voices are never heard,the language is never challenged.

He likens it to the way you might speak with your mates,but not to your grandmother. The Taylor Walker case is one prize example,Collingwood and Heritier Lumumba another.

“Our own research has found the AFL has done less on the issue of homophobia than any other major sport in Australia - or globally,” Denilson wrote earlier this year. Though it has a polemical ring to it,the fact is that still no gay AFL player has emerged cannot be mere happenstance.

Josh Cavallo.

Josh Cavallo.Getty Images

So much of the spasmodic conversation about gay men in professional sport is conjecture because so few authoritative voices are heard. Josh Cavallo might have relieved himself of a burden this week,but he also gave sport a gift.

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Greg Baum is chief sports columnist and associate editor with The Age.

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