Matildas midfielder sidelined due to heartbreaking injury

Matildas defensive midfielder Elise Kellond-Knight has been sidelined from the national team after suffering a ruptured Achilles while training with Melbourne Victory,less than five months from the first Women’s World Cup match.

Kellond-Knight has been ruled out of the remaining rounds of the A-League season after suffering the injury at training on Friday morning.

Scans have since confirmed the injury to her left Achilles tendon,Melbourne Victory said in a statement on Saturday. Kellond-Knight will undergo a surgical consult in coming days,which will determine the best process for her recovery.

Elise Kellond-Knight takes on Norway’s Karina Saevik during the World Cup in 2019.

Elise Kellond-Knight takes on Norway’s Karina Saevik during the World Cup in 2019.AP

Melbourne Victory director of football John Didulica said it is disheartening news on the eve of the Women’s World Cup.

“Elise is one of the most incredible people and professionals in the game,and we are all heartbroken for her,” Didulica said.

Victory head coach Jeff Hopkins said everyone at the club was devastated. “She has been an incredible contributor to our side,on and off the field,” he said. “We’re undoubtedly going to feel her loss as we head into the pointy end of the season.”

Kellond-Knight only last November returned to her first match with the Matildas after two-and-a-half years after suffering an ACL tear in 2020 while playing for Swedish club Kristianstads DFF.

Matildas head coach Tony Gustavsson echoed Victory’s sentiments of heartbreak.

“KK is a fantastic person firstly and has been a complete professional in working diligently to return to the pitch,” Gustavsson said in a statement.

He said her comeback had “added invaluable passion,insight,mentorship,and experience over the recent camps”.

The Matildas and Melbourne Victory will now partner to support her recovery.

Gustavsson said he was grateful for Victory’s support and providing an environment that had allowed her to return to the national team.

“KK is one of the strongest and most resilient people and players I have coached,and our team,our staff and Football Australia as an organisation will surround her with strong care and backing during a difficult time.”

The Matildas are due to face the Republic of Ireland in their first group game of the World Cup in Sydney on July 20. They will play a friendly against France in Melbourne eight days before.

Jackson Graham is an Explainer reporter for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald

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