Cut reliance on Chinese and Indian students,government tells universities

Cut reliance on Chinese and Indian students,government tells universities

University chiefs are being told to channel international students into courses that fill Australian skills shortages,deepening a dispute over federal plans to cap their annual intake.

  • byDavid Crowe andDaniella White


The US is tightening the screws on China
Trade wars

The US is tightening the screws on China

Joe Biden is throwing the kitchen sink at a key part of China’s economy.

  • byStephen Bartholomeusz
‘Iron Dan’:Andrews’ next career move aligns with Forrest’s green dream

‘Iron Dan’:Andrews’ next career move aligns with Forrest’s green dream

The former Victorian premier still has an eye for a big project:joining a billionaire to sell “green” iron to China.

  • byNoel Towell andColin Kruger
Why the China doping scandal has created a crisis of faith and suspicion

Why the China doping scandal has created a crisis of faith and suspicion

It must be traumatic for any athlete to discover,three years on,that they competed at an Olympics against rivals who,very likely,shouldn’t have been there.

  • byDarren Kane
‘China played like a backbencher’:Xi’s self-serving push for peace in the Middle East

‘China played like a backbencher’:Xi’s self-serving push for peace in the Middle East

China is playing a calculated strategic game in the Middle East,positioning itself as a peace-brokering alternative to the US while having no real skin in the game,experts say.

  • byLisa Visentin
PM’s rinse-and-repeat response to China jet incident will do little to deter aggression

PM’s rinse-and-repeat response to China jet incident will do little to deter aggression

How stable are relations with China if the People’s Liberation Army is regularly putting the lives of Australian military personnel at risk?

  • byMatthew Knott
TikTok makes a stand against forced sale or ban in the US

TikTok makes a stand against forced sale or ban in the US

TikTok has filed a court challenge against a recently-enacted US law that would force its Chinese parent to divest its US business or close it down.

  • byStephen Bartholomeusz
Gold fever:Why China and the rest of the world are stocking up

Gold fever:Why China and the rest of the world are stocking up

The gold price is behaving very strangely,but there is a simple explanation.

  • byStephen Bartholomeusz
‘Unsafe and unprofessional’:Australian Navy helicopter in near miss with Chinese fighter jet

‘Unsafe and unprofessional’:Australian Navy helicopter in near miss with Chinese fighter jet

A Chinese warplane dropped flares in front of an Australian Navy helicopter in international waters,in an incident Defence Minister Richard Marles condemned as “unacceptable”.

  • byAndrew Probyn
The $23 billion deal that shines a light on a big threat to China

The $23 billion deal that shines a light on a big threat to China

The takeover of US Steel is turning into a political nightmare,and the effects could be widespread.

  • byStephen Bartholomeusz
Love online shopping? These ‘shadow websites’ are a convincing scam

Love online shopping? These ‘shadow websites’ are a convincing scam

Imitation websites can look exactly like the homepages of shoppers’ favourite brands,and more Australians are falling victim to them.

  • byMelissa Singer