High-rise owners to get government advice about safe replacement cladding

High-rise owners to get government advice about safe replacement cladding

The long-awaited findings from an expert panel about what products owners should use to replace flammable cladding are expected to be released on Monday.

  • byMatt O'Sullivan


Developer of Sydney’s ‘worst’ tower ordered to fix faults

Developer of Sydney’s ‘worst’ tower ordered to fix faults

The 16-storey apartment building in Auburn is the latest to be slapped with orders to fix “serious defects” amid a crackdown by the Building Commissioner.

  • byMatt O'Sullivan
Fire warning prompts $25 million transformation of Brisbane office tower

Fire warning prompts $25 million transformation of Brisbane office tower

Brisbane’s Christie Centre,on the corner of Adelaide and Wharf streets,is about to have its faux sandstone exterior replaced by glass.

  • byTony Moore
Secrecy around cladding hit list attacked as ‘spin’ after signs reveal dozens of sites

Secrecy around cladding hit list attacked as ‘spin’ after signs reveal dozens of sites

The state government faces renewed calls to release a secret list of buildings with flammable cladding after publicly identifying dozens of affected properties with hoarding bearing the Cladding Safety Victoria logo.

  • bySimone Fox Koob
Developers forced to fix defects after commissioner wields new powers

Developers forced to fix defects after commissioner wields new powers

The NSW Building Commissioner has shown he will not hesitate using one of his strongest powers to clean up the construction industry,issuing prohibition orders on several projects.

  • byMatt O'Sullivan
State toughens building laws to ban combustible cladding

State toughens building laws to ban combustible cladding

The prohibition replaces looser guidelines on dangerous cladding,with non-compliant builders now risking fines of up to $400,000.

  • byCarolyn Webb
Interest-free loans part of $1b program to fix NSW's cladding crisis
NSW budget

Interest-free loans part of $1b program to fix NSW's cladding crisis

The NSW government will unveil funding in the state budget on Tuesday to help owners remove combustible cladding from high-risk buildings.

  • byMatt O'Sullivan
Builders say cladding compo extension may cause further losses

Builders say cladding compo extension may cause further losses

Victorian builders have warned that a two-year extension on compensation claims for the removal of flammable cladding could result in further insolvencies and losses to the state’s economy.

  • byJewel Topsfield
'In limbo land':Apartment owners in bind over flammable cladding fix

'In limbo land':Apartment owners in bind over flammable cladding fix

Owners are in quandary about what to replace combustible cladding with because a list of suitable products is unlikely to be released until early next year.

  • byMatt O'Sullivan
Owners to get two more years to chase builders over flammable cladding

Owners to get two more years to chase builders over flammable cladding

Government will table a bill on Thursday that would give homeowners affected by combustible cladding more time to prepare legal action against shonky builders.

  • byMichael Fowler
'Expect action':Developers,builders warned as watchdog's new powers come into force

'Expect action':Developers,builders warned as watchdog's new powers come into force

With trust shaken by the Opal and Mascot towers sagas,the NSW Building Commissioner said the new laws would provide confidence for prospective buyers.

  • byMatt O'Sullivan